Once upon a time you had everything: romance, flowers, anticipation of meetings, warm hugs. It was, but now it's gone. And already his voice does not bother him as much as before, and touching only causes irritation. You suddenly realized that his habits, which previously caused only affection, now terribly enrage you. This means only one thing: there is no more love. And the understanding comes that there is no more sense in maintaining your relationship. But understanding comes to you, but he does not think so. He feels good, everything suits him. Well. If you have decided everything for yourself, take action. Make him leave.

It is necessary
All your bitchiness, determination and ingenuity
Step 1
We begin to put our plan into action.
The first step is to stop caring. Do not wash his socks, forget where the pots are stored, stop listening to him, asking his opinion. Argue with him all the time and for any reason. He should respect your opinion, and nobody cares about his opinion.

Step 2
The next item on our program will be tantrums. For any reason (you can think of it) with tears, accusations, smashing dishes and throwing things. Men cannot stand female tears and screams.

Step 3
If the above is not enough, start controlling and jealous of him. You should know every step, every call, every SMS. Call him at work (at least once an hour) and find out what he is doing, who he talked to, and what kind of cute girl came to his office.

Step 4
Well, and a control shot: no male joys for him. Let him forget about fishing, beer with friends, football game on Saturday night. You can believe that in a few weeks it will disappear from your life once and for all.