You met the man of your dreams, the one who, with his mere presence, makes your heart beat wildly. But he does not show any initiative at a time when you desperately want his attention. And you once again ask yourself the question: "How to make him fall in love with me?" Only questions will not help here, it's time to act before another has won his heart.

Step 1
Look at yourself from the outside and honestly answer yourself the question: would you be able to fall in love with yourself? If the answer is yes, then go directly to the third paragraph of our instructions. However, in the event that something does not suit you in your appearance, you urgently need to do your transformation - from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes. After all, we, women, love, as a rule, with our ears, while men, in the main, pay attention to a beautiful shell.
Step 2
Go to the hairdresser, get a manicure and pedicure, make an appointment with a beautician and be sure to visit the gym. Sports activities will increase your vitality, lead you to harmony with yourself and the world around you. A woman whose outer beauty is in harmony with her inner beauty will not go unnoticed.
Step 3
Take the first step. Start a conversation with the object of your dreams in a light and easy way. Find common topics of conversation. Perhaps both of you are into bowling or you keep guinea pigs. But you never know you may have similar interests, the main thing is to start constantly communicating. Keep it simple but dignified. Smile, show that you are a happy person with a positive outlook on life. Gloomy pessimists are of no interest to anyone.
Step 4
Use feminine little tricks to get him admiring glances. "Accidentally" slipped shoe will draw his attention to your slender well-groomed legs. And if you begin to correct the earring that has jumped out of your ear with him, his gaze will be riveted to the smooth curve of your beautiful neck. Learn sexual gestures - you can correct the stray curls from the hairstyle or tint the lips so that he will be fascinated by your every move.
Step 5
Ask him out on the first date so that he can't refuse. Try to make an appointment at the sports bar, having booked good seats in advance for an important match of his favorite football team. Don't talk a lot about yourself, listen to him more. Support, assent and admire. Just sincerely, don't overdo it. Behave naturally and do not fog up your personality, be yourself, and then he will definitely fall in love with you.