It is generally accepted that a young man should seek the love and attention of a girl, and she can only sit and wait for her handsome prince to appear and begin to look after her beautifully. However, in reality, a girl can furtively sigh about a young man she likes, and he will never pay attention to her. In such a case, it is better for the girl to take the initiative into her own hands and achieve reciprocity herself.

Step 1
There are several time-tested tricks to evoke a response in a young person. First of all, you need to become a good friend to him. A girl should listen carefully to a young man, give him useful advice, help in solving problems that arise, praise him and say compliments (men love them no less than women). A young man should get used to the fact that you can always rely on a girl, she will always help and support him.
Step 2
An important point in achieving mutual understanding is the community of interests. It is good if the girl finds out everything about the interests and hobbies of the young man and tries to share them. Then they will always have common topics of conversation, and the girl will noticeably grow in the eyes of her chosen one.
Step 3
However, in her striving for friendship with a young man, a girl in no case should forget about her dignity. If a young man begins to look down on her, allows himself derogatory remarks about her, it is better to stop acquaintance immediately. Of course, it is sad to part with a dream, but an alliance with a person who does not respect his companion will still not bring her happiness.
Step 4
If the girl is convinced that the chosen one is worthy of her love, he communicates with her with due respect and tact, they managed to become good friends, it's time to take the next step. You need to disappear from his life for a while, for example, go on vacation. It is possible that during this time the young man realizes how dear the girl is to him, how much he misses her, and after her return, the relationship will develop in a completely different, more romantic way.
Step 5
There is another way to achieve reciprocity, completely different from the previous one. This is the so-called "contrast shower". In dealing with a young man, a girl should alternate between fiery passion and cold inaccessibility. At first, you can appear in front of him in a bold and spectacular outfit, throw promising looks, openly flirt with him. Another time you need to change your behavior, becoming restrained, strict and unapproachable.
Step 6
Such a change will make the young man wonder what might be causing it. It will be a blow to his pride that he has ceased to be the object of such passionate worship. If after a while the girl becomes friendly again, starts a casual conversation with him, it is quite possible that he himself will finally begin to take the initiative. If this does not happen, the girl will have to admit her defeat. Well, in any case, she will not indulge herself with illusions for many months or years, expecting reciprocity from a young man to whom she is completely indifferent.