If you are lucky and you finally meet a person who you like and aroused interest, then you will want to start a relationship with him. How to interest him and get to know him better, to make sure that this is exactly who you need?

Step 1
Much depends on the first impression you make, so always take care of your appearance, shabby and unkempt people with their appearance can alienate any person potentially attractive to them.
Step 2
Get interested in your chosen one or chosen one. Agree that it makes no sense for anyone to communicate with a boring and uninteresting person. At the same time, do not try to draw attention to your person by links to close acquaintance with famous and authoritative people. Do not raise your shares at someone else's expense, from the outside it looks quite pathetic.
Step 3
Be sincere, do not hide your interest in continuing the relationship with this person, but do not be intrusive. On the second day of acquaintance, you should not overwhelm him with SMS, switch to diminutive-affectionate epithets and surround him with your endless attention. Give him a rest, understand that you are interesting to him and that he wants to continue communicating with you.
Step 4
Do not demonstrate your well-being and do not accentuate it in the conversation, as the thought may arise that by doing this you are masking your inferiority in other matters. Tell the interlocutor about yourself, your interests, about what you have already achieved in this life, what are your goals in it, and not about how much it costs.
Step 5
Never talk about your shortcomings, hoping that you will be refuted. Always speak up about yourself and your surroundings only from the positive side. The person with whom you want to establish a relationship must understand that you are valuable and successful in yourself, that you are surrounded by interesting people.
Step 6
Honesty and reliability are qualities that will always pique your interest if you want to strike up a long-term relationship. Don't lie and you won't have to twist and blush. Always keep your promises, be punctual.
Step 7
Be observant and attentive to the person you are interested in. Remember what he likes and make surprises based on his hobbies. Such attention will be pleasant to anyone, and it will be difficult to resist.