Not every family decides to have a second child. Another baby, of course, will bring a lot of joy, but it will certainly break your established rhythm of life. Before making this important decision, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Objective conditions
In different families with two children, the situation can be completely opposite, all other things being equal. For example, one mother does an excellent job with babies without outside help, works, has hobbies and time for household chores. The other is in constant stress, does not have time for anything and breaks down on loved ones. In this case, a number of objective factors can influence the state of affairs: the financial situation in the family, the complexity of the main job, the organization of life, the distribution of responsibilities, the psychological atmosphere in the relationship. If you're okay with that, don't be afraid that another child will disrupt the normal course of things. If you can easily cope with one baby, it is unlikely that you will be difficult with another.
Assess in advance the conditions that you have. Will you need to sacrifice work and lose your financial status after the birth of another child? Can you give up your usual pastime for a while without harming your family? If your overall objective conditions are favorable, you are much more likely to give birth and raise both children in an atmosphere of love and peace.
The health of your unborn child directly depends on yours. Pass the necessary examinations, take care of the treatment of chronic diseases. If your first birth was difficult or you have a serious illness, talk to your doctor about how good your prognosis is.
The amount of time that has passed since the previous birth is also important. Even if you are completely healthy, but gave birth less than 6-8 months ago, your body has not yet had time to recover. Be prepared for fatigue, micronutrient deficiencies, and possibly more frequent visits to your gynecologist. If, on the contrary, you gave birth a long time ago (more than 10 years ago), keep in mind that during this time, as a rule, the blood supply to the uterus deteriorates.
According to many doctors, the optimal time for planning a second baby in terms of health is 3-8 years after the birth of the first.
Psychological aspects
Many mothers begin to worry in advance that they will not be able to love their second child as much as the first. In the vast majority of cases, this is an absolute delusion. The resource of true maternal love is truly endless, and later, embracing two babies, you will remember your vain fears with a smile.
It is possible that you are worried that two children will quarrel and be jealous of each other. It is necessary to understand that it is impossible to predict this situation, despite any statistical data. Yes, there are recommendations of psychologists, according to which the negative attitude of the older towards the younger is most relevant at the age of 3 years. At the same time, it is believed that if the difference between the kids is 1-2 years, then you can forget about jealousy: the children will get along well and play with each other, and the elder will soon forget the period when he was alone with his parents. The difference of 8-10 years is no less favorable: in the face of an older child you will find an invaluable helper. However, in reality this is not always the case. It is not uncommon for children, regardless of the age difference, to grow up as strangers, and later recall their parents' grievances.
Much depends on yourself, on how you will bring up your children, what tone you will set in their relationship, how you will react to their complaints and problems. After all, an only child in a family can grow up to be an envious egoist, offended at the whole world and at you personally.