From birth, a child needs improvement and training in order to learn about the world around him. Therefore, parents should engage in the upbringing of their children from early childhood.

The baby sees from the first day of life, but is not yet able to fix his gaze on any object or person. Visual concentration occurs in a child at the end of the first month or the beginning of the second month. He can fix his gaze on the mother's face, a bright toy. In the second and third months of life, the baby turns his attention to standing and moving people, to hanging toys. Over time, the child learns subjects.
In order to develop a child's visual reaction, from the end of the first month, you need to hang bright toys in the crib, teach him to follow moving objects, not leave one in the crib for a long time, and carry him in an upright position. Such actions will help to quickly develop the organs of vision, as well as learn about the world around you.
To improve vision, talk to your baby more often while nursing, feeding, or awake. Listening to others, the child learns to look for the speaker with his gaze, tries to consider him and remember. The development of visual reactions improves not only mental performance, but also physical activity. When a child is shown the world around him, over time, he expands the circle of observed objects, learns to change the posture of the body, raises or lowers his head. Then the baby will begin to reach or crawl towards objects.
Music lessons will be useful for the baby. It is very important to teach him different sounds. For example: the sound of rattles, bells or simple musical instruments. It is equally important to develop tactile perception in the baby. With the help of it, the child learns the shape and size of toys, and also learns to take and hold objects.