How To Calm A Nursing Baby

How To Calm A Nursing Baby
How To Calm A Nursing Baby

Table of contents:


Our son was recently born, he, like all babies of his age, had explosions of crying and screaming. Babies still have an immature nervous system, so simple conversation will not calm him down. These rules were developed by us through trial and error. It helped us.

How to calm a nursing baby
How to calm a nursing baby

It is necessary

  • Fitball for an adult
  • Internet phone or radio
  • Warm diaper
  • Dummy
  • Calm and good mood


Step 1

Inhale, exhale, calm down. Take the baby in your arms, check if nothing bothers the little one (a booger in the nose, snot, a diaper "stuck" into the skin or needs to be changed altogether, the tummy hurts). If possible, try to eliminate the cause.

Step 2

Swaddle your baby. Not very tight. If the child is hysterical and breaks out - do not give in to it - act quickly, but carefully. Make sure the arms and legs are comfortable. Give a dummy (hold it first so that your sun doesn't spit it out).

Step 3

Press the little one to you, sit on the fitball and begin to gently sway on it. Do not shake the baby in any way, he may be even more frightened. Turn on white noise on your radio or search the internet and download. Enable continuous playback. The sound should be slightly louder than the cries of the baby. You can turn it off when the baby stops crying. In the room, do not seek "crystal" silence, this can also alarm the child.

Step 4

Done! Your little one is calm and relaxed. You helped him calm down and fall asleep without losing his composure yourself.

Step 5

Check the temperature in the room, the baby may be hot, and if you wrap him in a warm diaper, he will not feel comfortable. Ventilate the area.

Some babies calm down after bathing.

Never yell at a child, it will not help. The kid hopes for your help, crying he asks you to pay attention to him, help him.

Step 6

If none of the methods helped you, the child has a fever and does not stop crying, perhaps something hurts a lot. This also happens. Call an ambulance or see a doctor!
