Parents always want the very best for their child. This also applies to things: toys, clothes, books - everything is chosen carefully and with love. Parents also carefully choose food for their child, places for walks, rest. Then parents begin to choose friends and hobbies for their child … There are several possible options for the further development of such events.

Maybe the parents are really very sensitive, responsive and guessing without words all the desires of the child. Then there will be no problems and confrontations. In this case, the parents offer the child exactly what he himself desires. But this option is rather ideal, in life this does not occur, if only because of the inability of people to read each other's thoughts.
It may well turn out that parents will be able to simply break the child so that he does not show dissatisfaction with the choice or decision of the parents. And outwardly, everything may well resemble an idyll. The parents are happy and calm, the child is obedient and prosperous exactly as the parents imagine it. But such a child will not grow a strong, strong-willed and courageous, successful and contented person, grateful to his parents. Most likely, he will be insecure and not able to make any decisions. He will be deeply unhappy, but he will not dare to tell anyone about it.
And maybe in a different way. In childhood, the child will really, due to his small age and lack of long-term life goals, follow the lead of his parents. I am happy to attend the circles and sections chosen by the parents, to spend my free time as the parents decide. But at one moment, which can hardly be called beautiful, everything will change. This usually occurs during adolescence. When a child begins to demand freedom, independence and independence. And parents are often not ready for such changes.
In any case, parents should remember that the child is a separate independent person. And the fact that a child depends on his parents does not yet give them the right to control every moment of his child's life.
A child is not a doll or a puppet. Sooner or later he will grow up, he will have his own family and he will have to move to adult status. You cannot take care of a child more than is necessary for his safety. Due to his age and little experience, sometimes a child may not be aware of the threats to his health or even life - here the parents must act firmly and decisively. Indeed, you should not leave the child to decide on his own: stick his fingers into the outlet or not. But if nothing threatens him, then the parents should push their desires and ambitions into the background. You need to get used to the role of an advisor, not a manager.