Many parents dream of becoming their child not just a mom or dad, but a real friend. After all, a friend is a person who respects you, with whom you can talk on an equal footing, share all your problems. And he will never judge you and will always come to the rescue. Parents can take steps to become a good friend to their child.

Spend time together. Children need parents not only in infancy, but also at an older age. Try to play and walk with your children a lot. Of course, no one canceled the work and household chores, but even so, you can spend maximum time with your children. For example, when you return from a walk, cook lunch or do the cleaning together, and share news and problems with each other in the process. Joint affairs are very close. If children see that their parents are interested in their life, they receive support every day and trust them more and more. The main thing is never tell the secrets and problems of the child that he has shared with you to other people, even close ones, if the baby wants to tell it himself. …
Show your trust. If a child sees that adults do not trust him, he will be offended, withdrawn and begin to lie. But in the opposite case, he feels responsibility and tries to reciprocate. Tell him your little secrets, teach him to keep secrets. Prepare a gift together, for one of your relatives and hide it, it will be your common secret.
Don't refuse to communicate. If your child wants to talk to you, put aside even the most important things. The kid must be sure that the parents are ready to listen to him at any time. Perhaps it was difficult for him to decide on this conversation, and at other times the conversation will no longer work. And let the children first discuss, even not significant, as it seems to you, problems, but over time, when they grow up, they will turn to you with all the questions.
Don't judge. This does not mean that the child needs to get away with everything. You can condemn an act, but by no means a person. The child must understand that he is not bad, but his act. Make it clear to the child that the parents were upset by his behavior, and the next time you need to do it differently.
Argument prohibitions. Allowing the child literally everything, of course, is impossible. We have to deny something, to prohibit something. But never forget to give reasons for your refusal. The child must understand that this is not a whim of the parents, but there is a reason for everything.
Consult with your children. Solve all family issues with the children. It is very important for a child to know that his opinion is also significant in the family.