Men tend to fall in love, just like women. However, the parameters by which representatives of different genders choose their soul mate are slightly different.

What kind of girls do guys like
Various sociological polls have shown that there is no single female ideal for men, since representatives of the stronger sex of different ages have completely different preferences regarding girls and their characters.
Young guys, whose age does not exceed twenty-five years old, appreciate the mind in ladies. In the second place in these criteria is sexuality, and in third - external attractiveness and beauty.
Older men (25 to 40 years old) choose smart, caring and gentle women.
Representatives of the stronger sex of mature age (from 45 years old) become the most selfish. Feminine beauty is of little interest to them, but caring about their person comes first. They also value feminine mindfulness and intelligence.
It turns out that in order for a girl to fall in love with a guy, she needs to show her strongest sides, all her intelligence, ingenuity and ingenuity, and also take care of the man.
How to make a guy fall in love with you
If you want men to fall in love with you, in addition to your appearance, pay attention to your behavior. You must learn to attract a man's gaze not only with your beauty, but also with your sexuality, which lies in your facial expressions, looks, gestures, and body language. Try to smile more often, flirt with the stronger sex, be charming and confident.
Be in the spotlight. Support any conversations, tell interesting stories from your life, don't let the guy get bored next to you. Your lover should be proud of you, and his rivals should envy that their friend has such an amazing woman.
Take care of your companion. More often take an interest in his affairs and mood, support in difficult times, offer your help as far as you can. If a guy sometimes comes to visit you, your house should always be tidy, and a delicious lunch and dinner will be able to show your soul mate what a good hostess you are.
Never say something bad about his friends in his presence. Men value friendship very much, and if you begin to restrict his freedom, it is unlikely that you will be able to keep your love.
Don't be too approachable. The guy should never lose interest in you. Surprise him with crazy actions, you don't need to be boring and predictable.
If you can become a reason for male pride, your loved one will never let you go.