Despite the talk about gender equality, women still dream of a prince who will romantically court, sing serenades, and give flowers. And this is a surefire way to become a favorite of women.

Step 1
Romance is not only an invitation to a restaurant, but also daily calls or SMS with wishes of good morning and good night, congratulations on the anniversary of our acquaintance or first date. Almost any woman will be happy if her lover remembers such dates.
Step 2
So that tender feelings do not fade away in the heart of a loved one, it is not at all necessary to give expensive gifts. The fair sex rejoices even with the most modest token of attention - one gift a rose, a chocolate bar, an invitation to a theater or a movie. Almost all women love tenderness. They expect from their man loving looks, affectionate touches and kisses.
Step 3
Until now, no one has denied the well-known truth that women love with their ears. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to become like Cyrano de Bergerac and devote magnificent poetic lines to your beloved. Especially if you do not have a poetic gift. But from time to time it is simply necessary to tell her that she is the most beloved and wonderful.
Step 4
In addition, women like attentive and caring men who make them feel protected. Although most women now strive for independence, in the depths of their souls, almost everyone still dreams of being behind a man, like behind a stone wall.
Step 5
As a rule, women are owners by nature. They want the beloved to belong only to them, not noticing that others exist. If it seems to a man that he did not commit anything criminal, drawing attention to the luxurious figure of a girl who passed by him or making a couple of compliments to the girlfriend of his chosen one, then a woman can perceive all this as a real drama.
Step 6
Even in small things, you should not deceive your beloved, so as not to lose her trust. Honesty and trust always builds relationships. In addition to liars, women do not like whiners who always complain about fate and blame the whole world for their misfortunes.
Step 7
The image of the "tough guy", which attracted women’s attention, is rapidly losing popularity. Modern women are increasingly giving preference to men who take care of their home and family, who know how to care for babies and find mutual understanding with their matured offspring.
Step 8
A woman who dreams of seeing in her chosen one not only and not so much a breadwinner, but a friend and lover, will be able to appreciate his sincerity, kindness, care and understanding.