The human body is designed in such a way that it is not at all interested in the plans of the person himself, his desires. In the life of every lady there have been cases when, due to the onset of menstruation, she had to abruptly abandon plans. For example, very often a girl has to refuse sex. Is it still possible to have sex during your period?

As it turned out, sex during menstruation is not prohibited, it even has its advantages! The flow of blood that is caused by menstruation leads to swelling of the vagina, hence the vagina is significantly narrowed, making it more sensitive. Therefore, the lady's sensitivity increases, she experiences a stronger orgasm. Orgasm-induced cramps from the uterus push fluid out of the uterus, thereby reducing swelling - this reduces menstrual pain. Spasms accelerate the process of endometrial cell rejection, and this leads to a reduction in the duration of menstruation.
Many people believe that sex is safe during menstruation. This is not true! Yes, conception is unlikely during menstruation, but after all, sperm live 5-7 days, during menstruation, the environment in the vagina is very favorable for them, in addition, the cervix is slightly open during menstruation, and this increases the possibility of sperm getting into a favorable environment. Since the menstrual cycle is influenced by many factors, ovulation can occur ahead of time, sperm can survive to it. So do not consider your period "dead" for conception.
It turns out that menstrual blood is a favorable environment for many bacteria. Therefore, the main disadvantage of sex during menstruation is the likelihood of a number of infections (for both partners). Here a condom will not help - it does not exclude the possibility of infection of the girl!
As you can see, sex during your period has both negative and positive aspects. Only you can decide whether to make love during these days. If you decide in favor of sex - remember about hygiene! Take a shower both before and after sex, and always keep wet wipes or towels nearby.