A kiss is a vivid manifestation of feelings. Some believe that by the first kiss, you can understand whether people are suitable for each other. Therefore, it is important to know what kisses are and what they mean.

Step 1
Preparing for a kiss is very important. For starters, you should have fresh breath, chewing gum is enough to normalize the smell. Watch your lips so that they are not chapped or too dry. Get into a comfortable position, for example, if you are shorter than your partner, climb a step or jump onto a curb.
Step 2
A kiss between friends does not differ in depth of feelings or ardor, but it shows intimacy between people and affection for a person. Sometimes men try to understand the girl's attitude in this way - if she does not move away, you can try to kiss on the lips.
It is done by lightly touching the lips to the cheek. In Europe, this type of kiss is often used as a greeting, while the lips are often not involved, but a simple touch of the cheeks is used.
Step 3
A romantic kiss is the easiest to perform. Only lips take part in it. He does not have any sexual meaning, but shows tenderness in a relationship. It is in this style that the first kiss takes place, which determines the future relationship of the couple. Therefore, it is worth understanding how to kiss correctly and performing the kiss perfectly.
Technique of a romantic kiss: the nose moves a little to the side, the lips touch, but do not open. The tongue does not participate in the kiss, you only need to act with your lips - a light touch. It is important to observe the time so that the kiss does not turn out to be prolonged, but also not too fleeting.
Step 4
The tongue takes part in a passionate kiss. At the same time, the touch becomes more palpable, as the excitement can intensify. With the tongue, you need to slightly open the lips of your partner, and then play with his tongue. The main thing is not to push it too far to make the person feel comfortable. It is worth monitoring your salivation so that the kiss does not come out too wet. After all, then the partner will have an unpleasant impression of you.