How To Protect Yourself After Childbirth? Modern Contraception

How To Protect Yourself After Childbirth? Modern Contraception
How To Protect Yourself After Childbirth? Modern Contraception

Contraception issues are not acute for a woman only during pregnancy. The rest of the time, when a woman is fertile, she is puzzled by the problem of protection from unwanted pregnancy. This is especially important in the period after childbirth, when the body is still recovering, and the birth of the weather is not included in your plans.

How to protect yourself after childbirth? Modern contraception
How to protect yourself after childbirth? Modern contraception

The selection of postpartum contraception must be especially careful. After all, there are a huge number of restrictions and contraindications that must be taken into account. After all, a woman who has just given birth is also a nursing mother. Therefore, the choice of contraceptives must be consistent with lactation.

It is necessary to think about contraception immediately after childbirth. After all, the ability to conceive for everyone returns in different ways, and there are many cases when a woman became pregnant again just a month after the birth of a child.

The main danger in the position of a young mother is that the restoration of the cycle is imperceptible for her. Ovulation cannot be tracked if you do not deal with this issue. But getting pregnant is pretty easy. Most women usually do not become pregnant after their first ovulation, but there are exceptions, and they are not so rare. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly select contraceptives.

According to the WHO, contraception must be started no later than 3 weeks after delivery. It was during this period that the prohibitions of doctors on sex life were also lifted.

The number of methods for protecting against pregnancy in the postpartum period is not so small. You can choose from the proposed list any option that suits you.

For example, abstinence is offered as a protection against pregnancy after childbirth, i.e. sexual abstinence. This method is 100% guaranteed. However, it is not suitable for all couples.

Often, young mothers rely on the lactational amenorrhea method. It is based on the fact that after childbirth, the woman's body produces the hormone prolactin, which is necessary for the production of milk. This hormone suppresses ovulation, resulting in a temporary inability to conceive. However, for this method to work (and not for everyone), a number of parameters must be very strictly observed. This is the child's age (he should not be older than 6 months) and the number of breastfeeding (at least once every 3 hours, including the night). Attachments are important because the additional production of prolactin depends on the sucking of the baby. This method has its advantages - it is simple to implement and not dangerous. In addition, it does not affect intercourse in any way.

Allowed as a means of protection and hormonal protection. Only these should be special drugs. Those that women usually use are not suitable for young mothers. So, for example, the use of oral contraceptives or, simply put, pills is allowed. These drugs are called mini-pills. They are hormonal tablets with a low dose of hormones in the composition, due to which they are not dangerous to the health of the child. The principle of their action is to increase the viscosity of mucus in the cervical region, which makes it difficult for sperm to penetrate. In addition, they help to change the structure of the lining of the uterus, so that the implantation of a fertilized egg cannot occur. The only thing you need to very clearly follow the instructions for using these drugs - they need to be taken strictly by the hour, without missing or shifting the time of admission. Only a doctor can prescribe such drugs.

You can also use such a method of protection in the postpartum period as an intrauterine device. It can be given to those women with a history of uncomplicated childbirth. Moreover, it can be installed immediately after them. However, the optimal installation time is considered to be 6 weeks after the birth of the baby. the likelihood of a spiral falling out is reduced. The advantage of this method is that it has a long-lasting effect, i.e. one coil protects for about 5 years.

Various barrier methods are also widely used. For example, using a condom. It is safe and suitable for sexual initiation immediately after childbirth. However, there are also disadvantages - condoms can break and fall. To reduce the risk of this, it is recommended to use additional lubricants. Best of all, those that are water-based - they do not irritate delicate mucous membranes.

You can use special caps to protect against unwanted pregnancy. They are installed 4 weeks after delivery, when the cervix is fully restored. However, it is worth remembering that only a physician can choose the right cap and teach how to handle it.

The use of spermicides is another way to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the postpartum period. These can be creams, suppositories, ointments, etc. Such substances destroy spermatozoa at the cellular level, as a result of which they either die or lose mobility.

The sexuality of a young mother is undeniable. After all, a woman who has given birth blooms with new beauty. The first sex after childbirth should be gentle, affectionate and protected. Love and attention is the key to a harmonious family and the birth of desired children.
