A forty-year milestone in a woman's life is by no means a reason to take stock. At this age, you can even start a lot anew. And the accumulated experience, developed taste, confidence and intuition will help you look attractive and sexy.

It is necessary
- - work on yourself;
- - salon procedures;
- - a new wardrobe.
Step 1
Forget about stereotypes. In modern society, it is often believed that it is too late for a woman after 40 to start romances and be attractive. Meanwhile, there are many examples of how forty-year-olds at this age not only begin to rebuild their careers, but also change their personal lives. In recent years, enough information and opportunities have appeared that allow you to maintain health, beauty, good shape and sexuality. Follow your own path and ignore those who think that something is too late for you.
Step 2
Develop confidence and self-love. Oddly enough, even by the age of 40, you can have a lot of complexes, be insecure and squeezed. However, this is where sexuality begins. Strive for inner emancipation, do not communicate with those who suppress you. Women's sexuality is impossible without accepting one's own body and inner freedom.
Step 3
Work on your own body. It is not too late to start doing fitness at any age. After 40, colossal changes begin in a woman's body. Maintaining the figure and face in the same state becomes more and more difficult, therefore, the sooner you start doing this, the more results you will achieve. In addition, muscle strength, flexibility, and energy are directly related to sexuality. Give preference to strength training, which will help to model the body, as well as oriental practices that allow you to open up your inner energy reserves.
Step 4
Pay attention to your appearance. Do not deny yourself a visit to beauty salons, arrange home cosmetic procedures, regularly update your wardrobe. When buying another item, ask the question how attractive you will look in it. Often, women make a choice in favor of comfort, forgetting about grace.