Before a date with the other half, almost any person carefully prepares: picks up a beautiful outfit, prepares a festive dinner or orders a table at a restaurant, discusses the details of a future meeting with friends. But sometimes a date with a loved one can be overshadowed by unforeseen circumstances. And then there can be no question of continuing the romantic evening. Let's figure out what not to do before sex? How not to deprive yourself of pleasure?

There is a situation in which a romantic date goes according to plan, but at some point a woman has an allergic reaction: redness of the eyes, nasal flow, rashes in the décolleté or face. Of course, to look like this is not very pleasant and respectable in front of a loved one. The woman feels uncomfortable, uncomfortable, notorious. To eliminate these symptoms, you can take antihistamines, and the result will not be long in coming. All negative manifestations will disappear. But … These drugs reduce the moisture content of the human mucosa, including the genital mucosa. That is, it is better not to agree to an intimate relationship when using antihistamines. Otherwise, neither you nor your partner will get the pleasure of having dry sex. In this case, there is a dilemma: either to be beautiful and please the eye with your beloved man's appearance, or to remain with your flaws, but not deprive each other of the pleasure of intimacy. It should also be remembered that antihistamines combined with alcohol will cause drowsiness.
If you are planning a smooth transition from a romantic date to an intimate relationship, remember what not to do before sex. At dinner, do not get carried away with foods rich in coarse fiber. These include: oatmeal, bran, cauliflower, cucumber, beans, bell peppers, dill, pumpkin, apples, peaches. Foods with a high content of coarse fiber cause increased gas formation in the intestines, which can lead to gas separation - farting. At the same time, the level of sexual arousal decreases in both the woman and her partner. And during orgasm, the irreparable can happen: in the process of intimacy, the sphincters of a person relax and gas separation will occur along with orgasm. Nobody wants to be in such an awkward situation. Therefore, it is better to choose alternative food products and correctly compose the menu for the evening.
For a romantic date to have its logical continuation, remove excess hair from the bikini area and armpit one day before the expected date. Why can't you do this just before the date? This is due to the fact that in the process of hair removal, microcracks appear on sensitive skin, which will not have time to tighten up to intimacy. During sex, friction arises between the bodies of partners, which means that infections and bacteria can penetrate through open micro-wounds.