How To Understand A Man's Intentions

How To Understand A Man's Intentions
How To Understand A Man's Intentions

It often happens like this: a woman, having barely met a handsome man who seems to be showing her signs of attention, is already mentally trying on a wedding dress and pondering the date of a future wedding, but a man …

How to understand a man's intentions
How to understand a man's intentions

His intentions are not clear - maybe this is serious, or maybe this is just a game? How do you know the true intentions of a husband of rank? It is not worth guessing by the chamomile, it is better to analyze his actions and evaluate them from the point of view of experienced psychologists.

A man has serious intentions if …

  • If a man likes you and you are important to him, already at the beginning of the relationship he will listen to you very carefully.
  • If a man seeks to accompany you even where he is not very interested, but he knows that it is interesting to you, this is an undoubted sign of a serious and interested relationship. Only a man in love seeks to share the interests and hobbies of his chosen one.
  • If you have been dating for a long time, and he gradually (and not on the first day of the meeting) began to share his problems with you, then he appreciates your relationship and is ready to take it to a new level. But it is worth remembering: a man who, after a couple of days of dating, dumps his problems on you and builds a conversation so that you want to help him financially, is most likely a scammer!
  • If he introduced you to friends and relatives, then he considers you as a future family member.
  • If, when it comes to marriage and children, he does not transfer the conversation to another topic, does not get irritated, but is included in the discussion, then it will be possible to build a family with him.

Your relationship is not too important for a man if …

  • On the very first day of acquaintance, he brings down a flurry of compliments on you, and then literally insists on intimacy. If you are really interested in a man, he will "conquer" you, strive to get to know better. Even if after a couple of days of acquaintance he offers to stay in the evening "for a cup of coffee", then in no case will he insist and will not end the relationship after your refusal.
  • He does not introduce you to family, does not take you to a meeting with friends. Here, as they say, no comment …
  • He only calls you to find out what your plans are for tonight. Apparently, he has a narrowly utilitarian approach to you. How are you doing and what you are doing at other times, he, apparently, is not interested.
  • When talking about marriage and children, a man begins to get angry, move away from the topic or express dissatisfaction. Obviously, with such an attitude towards marriage, there is no wedding in his plans.
  • The man is constantly postponing dates with you because of "very important meetings", "urgent matters", etc. Obviously, communicating with you is an optional, optional thing for him.
  • He asks to postpone your meeting, since he was offered to go with friends to the dacha for a barbecue, fishing on the coast, etc. If you are not in the first place for him on the list of priorities, then there can be no talk of any future wedding.
