One of the most difficult situations in life is parting with a loved one. When the relationship of people ends, one of them becomes the initiator of the break, and the other becomes a victim of circumstances.

Step 1
After breaking up with their significant other, some guys assure themselves that time heals. They senselessly hope that after a few months their feelings will cool down. However, it is very foolish to believe that tomorrow will be happier than the previous one. In order for this to happen, you yourself need to make considerable efforts to improve your future.
Step 2
There is no need to try to drown your bitterness and pain in alcoholic beverages. Alcohol will not help you stop loving the person who dumped you. Yes, it will temporarily cloud your mind, but this action will be deceiving and, on the contrary, will exacerbate the feeling of loneliness and your own uselessness.
Step 3
Create a new hobby for yourself. Do what you couldn't do with your significant other. Start exercising: Exercise can help you relieve stress and relieve tension. Learning foreign languages, passing a new computer game - any hobby that can distract you from painful thoughts is suitable for you.
Step 4
Chances are, after breaking up, you continue to hold a grudge against your significant other. Rid yourself of negative emotions. Try to mentally wish the person happiness and let him go. Understand that he will be better off without you. In order to make it easier for you, you can speak out, just choose a reliable and loyal person as your interlocutor who will not tell anyone about your experiences.
Step 5
Spend more time with your acquaintances and friends, who can not only support you, but also help you forget about sad memories. Go for walks, visit entertainment venues. Just do not try to find a replacement there for the person who dumped you. Of course, dating other girls will temporarily distract you, but a serious relationship is unlikely to work out of this. Chances are, if too little time passes after breaking up with your ex, there will be no rapport in your new relationships with women. You will subconsciously compare each of the fair sex with your former soul mate and start looking for flaws in your new passion.
Step 6
Some guys, dating their girlfriends, needlessly idealize them. Try to look at your ex from a different angle. Surely there were many different negative qualities in her character, which would still sooner or later lead to your separation.