Every woman wants to be dearly loved by her chosen one. But for some reason, it turns out that feelings fade over time, relations deteriorate. Is there a secret to staying loved? Of course, and not even one!

Step 1
It often happens that a woman who is worried about her partner's feelings and attitude towards her is overly nervous about this. She becomes restless and jealous, annoying him with questions about where and with whom he was, whether he loves her. It can tire any person. So if you want to stay loved, work on your self-confidence. It is very difficult to love a person who does not love himself.
Step 2
Paradoxically, if you focus all your attention on the man, counting on a response, then the effect will be exactly the opposite. If he becomes for you the only meaning in life, then this state of affairs will not suit him for long. A woman who has forgotten the whole world for the sake of a man, all her friends, affairs and hobbies, at first may seem especially attractive, but this quickly passes. Follow your interests, be passionate about something.
Step 3
The previous point does not mean at all that you need to stop paying attention to the man. If you don't take care of him and stop occasionally pampering him with pleasant things, then the lack of warmth on your part may force a man to look for him elsewhere. Don't forget about delicious dinners and pleasant surprises for your loved one. He will certainly appreciate these manifestations of love on your part and respond in kind.
Step 4
All people sometimes have difficult situations, sometimes they are just critical. And here the support of a loved one is extremely important. For your partner, such a person is, first of all, you. If he is in trouble, do not nag him, do not reproach him, and do not demand that he solve the problems as soon as possible. Support the man, show him special attention in difficult times. Despite the fact that men look so strong and confident, in reality they need much more support than women. Delicate care is what will make you special to him forever.
Step 5
Change and develop. No matter how much a man loves you, if you "stand still", it can get boring. Consistency in the family is necessary, but in things like personal growth and the formation of a horizon, an active approach is required. Be open to new things.
Step 6
Try to be wiser. Men are always a little bit children, and that's great. Don't get angry if your partner does not act like an adult at times. At some moments he can relax, but at other times he will behave really seriously. If you can accept your man for who he is, he will love you much more for it.