Guys often hide their feelings, forcing only to guess how a man treats you. But there are non-verbal signs of sympathy that they show unconsciously. By them, you can define feelings without words.

Step 1
The eyes tell a lot. Be sure to pay attention to how the young man looks at you. It is almost impossible to fake a look. If a guy is friendly towards you, open to communication, then this is not difficult to understand, even if your interlocutor is laconic. His eyes will tell everything about his real feelings. They will do this much faster than any compliments or declarations of love spoken aloud. Sometimes a man's gaze reflects love even before he himself learns about his feelings.
Step 2
There are situations when someone sympathizes with you, but is afraid to openly show it. He stares at you intently, but avoids meeting his gaze. Try the following. Look from the other side, and then suddenly move your gaze to him. If he is watching you, he simply will not have time to look away.
Step 3
Read his gestures. A person cannot control his own gestures, of course, if he did not work on it on purpose. But even in this case, few people succeed in this. Gestures clearly express the true position of a person, indicate how the event is perceived by him on an emotional level. If in relation to you he is open and friendly, then the toes of his shoes during communication turn in your direction, and he himself is turned to the interlocutor with his whole body.
Step 4
If a man is insincere and closed to you, then, as a rule, the arms and legs of the interlocutor will be crossed, as if he is defending himself, and his gaze instinctively turns to the side.
Step 5
When a young man is waiting for your attention, every part of his body signals it. He begins to correct his hairstyle or belt, copy your gestures, turn his whole body to you. His thumbs will be behind the strap or in his pockets.
Step 6
Analyze how the man communicates with you. When he likes a girl, he treats her with emphasized attention, listens carefully to the point of view on any issue, does not interrupt. And if there is disdain in every gesture and phrase, there is a reason to think about whether there is any sympathy on his part?
Step 7
If you are already together, but still cannot determine for yourself how the young man really treats you, try to have a heart-to-heart talk. Try to create a trusting atmosphere for communication, then the man will relax and become more open. Now ask your troubling questions. It is much easier to ask a person directly than to guess everything by their gestures and looks.