How To Wait For A Loved One From The Army

How To Wait For A Loved One From The Army
How To Wait For A Loved One From The Army

The army is an ordeal for lovers. But do not be sad when your beloved went to the army. He'll be back in just a year, and you'll have a lifetime ahead of you.

How to wait for a loved one from the army
How to wait for a loved one from the army

How not to be bored without a loved one

Of course, you won't be able to completely get rid of the longing for a guy, but you can get a little distracted. Get busy with your studies or work, find a hobby, start learning a foreign language. Fill your every day so that there is no time for longing. Be more active, exercise - this increases the production of hormones of joy. A year of waiting is a great way to learn new things. And the days filled with activity will pass faster and more interesting.

Make friends with the parents of your beloved. They will be pleased to chat with their son's faithful girlfriend, discuss news about him, and you will feel less alone.

Find support in the forums

There are a large number of groups and forums on the Internet and social networks for girls waiting for their loved ones from the army. There, the girls communicate, support each other, share their stories. There you can also find inspiring photos and videos of the girls who have already waited. To have fun, forum participants arrange games and contests, post funny photos and videos in their posts. Such forums will allow you to feel among like-minded people and to endure the wait easier.

Waiting is not the same as sitting at home

Don't lock yourself in four walls. Chat with your friends, go to the movies and cafes with them, have fun. Of course, every young man is jealous in his own way, but it is unlikely that only your soldier will require you to stay at home. Of course, you shouldn't abuse his trust either, he will hardly approve of night parties with a company of guys. However, no one will forbid you to walk with your friends during the day. If the guy is already very jealous, you can invite your friends over and have a small house party.

Write letters

Nowadays, ordinary handwritten letters are a rare and very romantic occurrence. If you feel another fit of sadness, and there is no way to call the soldier, write him a letter. Tell us what has happened in your life, what you are doing, what you think about. Imagine that you are talking with your loved one, sharing the news with him - and then the letter will be written easily and emotionally. You can draw something to the soldier or send him your photo - he will be very pleased. By expressing your emotions on paper, you will notice that the sadness has become much weaker.

The soldier will be pleasantly surprised if you send him a package. Usually they send sweets, there are very few of them in the army.

Select lyric songs and films

Sometimes sadness doesn't have to be resisted. All emotions, even negative ones, should be splashed out. If you are feeling really bad, take a free evening and listen to lyric music, watch movies about love. Most likely, you will be flooded with violent feelings, you will remember the moments when you were with your beloved, and, perhaps, even cry. Such an emotional shake will help relieve tension for a while. The main thing is not to stay in a depressed state for a long time.
