Despite the fact that now in most countries women have equal rights with men in everything, many often feel inferior if they do not have a life partner. This may be due to various facts, but the result is always the same - an unhappy and exhausted woman. How can you avoid this?

Public pressure
Unfortunately, the fact that a woman does not have a second half is always negatively perceived by society, even if she herself has decided to lead a similar lifestyle. Lonely ladies are demonstratively pitied, they offer help in finding partners, they discuss disapprovingly. All this does not contribute to the acquisition of happiness and maintaining self-confidence, rather the opposite. Many women, against their desires, try to have relationships with men they don't like at all. Often they even marry them, forming another unhappy family in all respects, of which there are enough all over the world. If children appear in such a cell of society, it is possible that they will have a crippled psyche and an unhappy childhood.
Naturally, the change of the current paradigms in society regarding this topic is a very long-term issue and it will not be decided soon, but it is extremely important not to succumb to attacks and not allow yourself to be criticized. Only by gaining independence from the opinions of others and feeling free can a woman become truly happy. Otherwise, persecution and condemnation will pursue her until the end of her life, harming her mental state and mood.

Don't let others make decisions for you and tell you how to do it best. After all, what is good for one person may be bad for another. Do not fall for the alleged attempts of relatives to prove to you that they care first of all about you. People often show astonishing blindness in such matters, imposing their opinions.
A full life without a man
The most important thing a single woman needs to learn is to feel fulfilled and live a vibrant life. Indeed, for many people, the meaning of existence is not at all to find a soul mate and start a family. And most people don't even know about it until they try to do something interesting and inspiring. After all, people often think in standard patterns adopted in a particular environment. Instead of suffering long evenings, you can enroll in a rock climbing group and conquer the beautiful snowy peaks, start painting beautiful pictures, learn how to masterfully play the violin or piano. Perhaps someone has dreamed of a dog or other pet all his life - he can perfectly take your free time and fill the void in your soul.
The Internet now offers a huge number of all kinds of clubs and hobby groups in which you can find an interlocutor who shares your views on life. You can enroll in various courses (cooking, sewing and sewing, poster modeling).
There are a lot of options to realize yourself. If a woman wants to feel needed by someone, she can take patronage over lonely elderly people from a nursing home, an unhappy teenager from an orphanage.
Do you like animals? There are a huge number of shelters in the country that desperately lack kind and caring hands.
If we refer to the opinions of experts, then psychologists all over the world, in the absence of a soul mate, insistently urge you not to put an end to your life. You need to enjoy every day you live, finding something to your liking.
The question of motherhood
There are a sufficient number of women who do not want relationships with men, but dream of children. Modern society gives them such a chance. Starting from the adoption or adoption of a child from an orphanage, ending with artificial insemination with the ability to choose the genetic material of a man with the necessary qualities.

The most important thing in taking this step is to weigh the pros and cons. After all, whatever you say, it is often difficult to raise a child even together with a man. But statistics speak in favor of the fact that women raising a child alone are very responsible and caring mothers.
It should be noted that if you decide to take this step, in no case should you succumb to pressure from the outside and allow strangers to express their opinion regarding these events. Remember that your happiness is only in your hands.