Despite the fact that high technologies are developing at a fairly rapid pace in our time, writing letters has not sunk into oblivion. As convenient as it is to communicate via Skype, text messaging is still the most popular. But writing can be much more difficult than pronouncing. And most importantly, how to finish the letter you started.

Step 1
With the advancement of new technologies, there are many ways to send messages. There is hardly anyone who still does not have an email address. And if you take into account the fact that the letter arrives very quickly, you can immediately get an answer. But it often happens that having started well, you don't know exactly how to end it. To solve this problem, proceed as follows. Read your entire letter first. The ending itself implies summing up all of the above. In this regard, you need first of all to comprehend what you talked about.
Step 2
Take your time to finish the letter. After reading this completely, you will probably want to add something else. The feeling of incompleteness is always present. That is why a kind of "epilogue" is so important. Moreover, when writing a letter in electronic form, there will be no difficulties with adding or correcting lines. After you decide what exactly you want to write at the end, then first come up with a logical connection. It is needed so that there is no feeling that your letter and its end are not connected.
Step 3
It is important that there is a signature at the end. For example, this: "Sincerely, Sergey Petrovich" or "Sincerely, your friend Andrey". It would seem that this part is so insignificant, but after reading the letter you pay attention to it. Since it is nice when the text is not faceless, but indicated by a name. Don't overuse these endings. If you are writing a letter to a close friend, it is best to end with the words "See you soon!", "See you soon!" or "I look forward to hearing!"
Step 4
If you are writing a letter not in electronic form, but in the usual one, on a piece of paper, then there is not much difference in how to finish it. The only thing that, in addition to all of the above, needs to be done, is to put the date of writing the letter, and opposite the signature.