People often make mistakes, which are extremely difficult to correct later. Parting with a loved one can be one of these mistakes. After the relationship is over, the realization comes that this person is still not indifferent to you. To start dating him again, you need to be very careful.

Step 1
Drop all fears and doubts. Think about what might happen if you hesitate to rebuild your relationship. In this situation, inaction is equivalent to a loss. Therefore, try to use every opportunity that can lead you to a new stage in your relationship with your loved one.
Step 2
Connect with your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend. Typically, after a breakup, many couples decide to end all communication. If you are one of them, break this rule. Without talking and meeting, you will not be able to return your former love.
Step 3
Invite your object of attention to a restaurant or cafe. You can also take a walk in the park if the weather is favorable. However, you should not immediately call your soul mate home, because this overly drastic step can nullify all your efforts.
Step 4
Be calm and relaxed. Your excitement will be noticeably stronger if you try to hide it in every possible way. Therefore, if you feel that you cannot calm down, directly tell your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend about this, arguing this with a long separation.
Step 5
Ask what has changed in the life of your significant other, whether she or he has a new passion. This moment should become a turning point for the whole conversation, so it is better to touch it when a friendly and benevolent atmosphere reigns between you again. If your boyfriend or girlfriend is still alone, you can take more action.
Step 6
Express your feelings and apologize for past mistakes. Be extremely sincere at the same time, your lies or reticence will immediately bring you to the surface, and this will definitely not work in your favor.
Step 7
Give your sweetheart or sweetheart time to think. Don't ask him or her to immediately reciprocate. Only in rare cases can such an outcome be expected.