Seduction of a girl, that is, persuading her to an intimate relationship, is a process that requires a certain amount of skill. According to the pickup professionals, two minutes are enough for this.

Preparing for seduction
Don't expect super fast results. Even using the most effective seduction techniques will not put a girl to bed in just 2 minutes. The maximum that you can achieve is to quickly win over the interlocutor to yourself and in the future get what you want with almost one hundred percent probability.
The first thing to do is choose a place where you will seduce the girl. As practice shows, in almost every city there is an institution or an open area, which is visited by girls who initially want to get to know each other. For example, it can be a cozy corner in a city park hidden from prying eyes, a bar counter in a trendy nightclub, or a hall in a shopping center. Ask your friends or on the Internet about such places in your locality.
Think about which type of girl suits you best. Of course, theoretically, you can win over almost any representative of the fair sex, but there must be a type with which you can quickly find a common language. For example, these can be girls of medium or tall stature, with bright or discreet makeup, with an intelligent or carefree look, belonging to one or another subculture, etc.
Work on your appearance. You don’t have to dress brightly, but you do have to look neat enough. Train your gaze. This is one of the most important tools for quick seduction. It is best to do this in front of a mirror. It is not necessary to open your eyes wide and "play" with your eyebrows. It is enough to learn to look at the girl confidently, without looking away, and at the same time to smile slightly.
Choose for yourself several models of phrases that you will exchange with the girl at the first contact. The most effective compliments are light compliments, spoken confidently and without excessive flattery. Try to be laconic, for example: “Girl, you are adorable. I just have to find out what your name is."
The process of dating and seduction
The very process of dating and seduction looks something like this: after you notice a girl you like, try to meet her eyes. Maintain eye contact and smile slightly. By the expression on the girl's face, it will be possible to understand whether you are interested in her or not. Walk up to her without hurrying or arousing her suspicion. Smile and in a confident tone offer to meet and chat with her, or accompany her to her destination if she is going somewhere or is traveling.
Try to act quickly. You should immediately interest the girl and inspire her trust in you. You will be able to do this if you determine the approximate course of her thoughts, understand what she likes, what kind of person she is. After that, the most desperate guys sometimes immediately, under various pretexts, invite the girl, for example, to their home. Others quickly receive a phone number from her and after a while call to arrange a meeting in more romantic conditions.
Remember not to abuse the girls' trust. Don't fool them and don't use them "for one night's sake." The tactic of a quick acquaintance is better and more tactful to use in order to find a girl for a long and serious relationship.