From the moment of birth until the end of puberty, the child goes through certain age crises. They are associated not only with physiological changes, but also with sometimes negative emotional shocks. The ability of parents to determine the correct tactics of behavior will allow you to go through difficult stages with the least loss.

During the period of growth and development of a child, his psyche and behavior are constantly undergoing age-related changes. During the transitional stages, the child's body smoothly transitions from one stage of its development to another, however, age-related crises should not be confused with leaps in the development of the child.
Newborn crisis
It manifests itself in the first one and a half to two months of an infant's life. From a physiological point of view, the baby only adapts to the world around him - he gradually learns to wean himself from his intrauterine life. Psychologically, this is a rather turbulent period, when the infant often cries and is emotionally dependent on the nearby adults. After about two months, the baby has time to get comfortable with the situation, becoming calmer and even somewhat welcoming.
Early childhood crisis
From one to one and a half years old, the child enters the second crisis period, when he learns to walk and speak. Depending on the daily routine and his own needs, the baby gradually develops his habits and biorhythms for comfortable development. During this period, he is especially attached to his mother, nevertheless, realizing that she does not belong only to him. The child is even able to show his first "protest actions", but loving parents should gently and persistently correct his behavior.
Crisis 3 years
Child psychologists characterize this stage as the most acute and difficult, when the stubbornness and obstinacy of the child can reach their climax. Kids not only show self-will, but often even go against the previously established rules. However, this is just a test of their parents for strength and strength of character, how far you can go in your disobedience. You should not react aggressively to such emotional outbursts; it is enough to simply switch the child's attention to some interesting detail.
Primary school age crisis
The crisis wave of a 6-8 year old child is directly related to a change in his social status - a former kindergartener becomes a schoolboy. To reduce possible overwork and anxiety, parents need to make the child's life as comfortable as possible, surrounding him with attention and care. If the newly-minted student is not interested in additional classes and attending various kinds of circles and sections, psychologists do not advise to go against the wishes of the child. Overloading usually negatively affects the physiological and psychological development of children.
Teenage crisis
The transitional age for most parents usually does not go unnoticed. At the age of 12-15, the beloved child ceases to be a child, although you cannot call him an adult either. Intemperance can sometimes even develop into aggression, and self-righteousness makes a teenager quite stubborn and headstrong. It is very important for him to assert himself among his peers, while the ways to achieve the goal often lead to asocial behavior. It is important for adults to establish a trusting contact with their child, so that they can go through the turbulent period of adolescence together without much worries.
All children usually go through periodic age-related crises, but their manifestations directly depend on the individual characteristics of the child. A friendly relationship with parents can soften rough edges and make a hectic period as comfortable as possible.