What Drugs Can Be Given To Children In Case Of Poisoning

What Drugs Can Be Given To Children In Case Of Poisoning
What Drugs Can Be Given To Children In Case Of Poisoning

Children learn about the world through sensations. They try not only to touch everything new, but also to taste it. This can result in food poisoning. It is important to recognize it in time and take remedial measures.

What drugs can be given to children in case of poisoning
What drugs can be given to children in case of poisoning

What is poisoning?

Poisoning is a disorder of the body's vital functions. The reason for this is the ingress of a poison or toxin into the body.

In medicine, poisoning is usually called intoxication.

Types of poisoning

Food poisoning is classified into two groups.

The first group includes poisoning with various food products.

The greatest likelihood of poisoning in children occurs when dairy products, eggs, fish and seafood, meat, and also confectionery with cream are included in the diet.

The second group includes chemical poisoning.

Both groups of poisoning are potentially dangerous for the child's body if first aid is not provided on time.

Food Poisoning Symptoms

The first symptom of poisoning is vomiting. In case of poisoning, it can occur more than 15 times per day. In parallel with it, diarrhea may appear.

The child's behavior changes dramatically, he becomes lethargic, capricious.

Body temperature can reach 38 degrees Celsius.

First aid for poisoning

The very first thing to do is gastric lavage. It is necessary to give the child 1-2 liters of warm boiled water to drink. This is necessary for the earliest possible cleaning of the stomach from food poisoning the child.

It is necessary to ensure that dehydration does not begin in the child's body. It is necessary to observe the drinking regime. To do this, give the child 1-2 sips of weak tea every 10-15 minutes.

After this, the child should be provided with first aid. It is necessary to give the child medicine, but it must be taken into account that the child's body is different from that of an adult and special medicines are needed for him.

Medicines for a child in case of poisoning

In case of severe vomiting or diarrhea in a child, you should resort to the drug "Regidron". 1 sachet is diluted in a liter of cooled boiled water and given to the child in portions throughout the day. This drug replenishes fluid in the body.

A drug such as Smecta will help restore balance in the body. Its effect is stronger than ordinary activated carbon. You should give your child one sachet at the first symptoms, and then drink two more during the day. The course of drug treatment is 3–7 days.

And to kill the causative agent of the infection, you should give the child "Enterofuril". It is an intestinal antibiotic. It should be taken 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days. The dosage depends on the age of the child.

To restore the microflora of the large intestine in a child, you need to give the child Lactofiltrum tablets. Read the instructions carefully before use. When giving this drug to a child, you need to remember that they drink it half an hour before or after taking other drugs.
