If a nursing mother is poisoned, despite her poor health, she, first of all, begins to worry about the health of the baby. In this situation, it is important to make the right decision that will be optimal for the mother and child.

Assessment of the severity of the disease
A few hours after the product, which became the culprit of the ailment, is eaten, there is a sharp pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, sometimes - fever, dizziness. Before deciding whether to continue breastfeeding in case of poisoning, you need to assess the severity of the condition. After all, treating such a disease at home is permissible only if it is mild.
Dangerous signs requiring immediate medical attention: symptoms of poisoning persist for more than a day; blood pressure has dropped sharply, pulse has become more frequent, breathing is difficult; cramps or severe muscle weakness, inability to swallow, speech impairment; there is a suspicion that intoxication is caused by the use of poisonous mushrooms.
Cleansing the body
If you decide to treat the poisoning yourself, the first step is to rinse the stomach. To do this, you should drink a liter of a weak solution of potassium permanganate or boiled water in large sips, and then press the root of the tongue to induce vomiting. It is advisable to repeat this procedure until the outlet water is completely clean.
If there is no diarrhea among the symptoms, it is necessary to additionally cleanse the intestines with an enema so that the infection does not spread throughout the body and does not get to the baby through milk. Of the preparations for lactation, you can take activated carbon, "Smecta", "Enterosgel" and other sorbents.
Continue feeding your baby
Most experts agree that breastfeeding in case of poisoning can and should be continued. After all, it contains immunoglobulins and specific antibodies that will protect the child from illness. And the risk of infection for the child is practically absent, you just have to carefully follow the rules of hygiene.
While the symptoms of poisoning are being dealt with, you can slightly increase the intervals between feedings. It is very important for a nursing mother to replenish fluid loss with additional drinks. Herbal teas from calendula, chamomile, pharmacy saline solutions ("Hydrovit", "Regidron" and others), mineral water will be useful. It is necessary to drink often, but in small quantities, so that vomiting does not start again. You should drink at least two liters of liquid per day.
As the final stage of treatment, you can use drugs that help restore the normal microflora in the intestine, for example, Linex, Khilak, Bifidumbacterin.