The birth of a child brings a lot of joy, but no less worries. After all, caring for a baby requires a lot of concentration, a lot of time and effort. Mom receives many recommendations in the hospital, many from relatives and friends. And parents think about some questions directly when faced with them, for example, how often to bathe a newborn.

Where to bathe your newborn
The best option, for the convenience of parents and the safety of the baby, would be to use a special baby bath.
Firstly, it is the most hygienic, because the public bath is full of germs of adult family members, and the use of strong chemicals for cleaning can harm the baby.
Secondly, it is a more economical water consumption compared to a shared bathroom.
Third, it is most convenient. This is justified by the fact that the bath can be raised by substituting something, or the baby can be bathed in another room if the temperature in the bathroom is low for the baby.
Fourthly, there are not always conditions in a dwelling, i.e. there is simply no bathroom or it is replaced by a shower.
In a bath with water, on the recommendation of a pediatrician, you can add a weak solution of potassium permanganate, a decoction of medicinal herbs such as a string or celandine. However, it is worth remembering that any herb can give an allergic reaction and such bathing can be repeated no more than once a week. The water temperature should be close to the baby's body temperature so as not to cause discomfort, i.e. approximately 36 ° -37.5 ° C. The air temperature must be maintained at least 24 ° C.
How to properly bathe a newborn
Bathing a baby is a very responsible process and you need to approach it with all seriousness. In order for the bathing not to inflict non-psychological or physical injuries on the child, several rules must be followed. First of all, you need to take the crumbs correctly. The left hand should support the baby's head, and the right hand should be just above the hip. The placement of the hands can be mirrored if the bathing is left-handed. It is necessary to lower the newborn into the water very slowly and carefully, as if introducing him to the water. It is better to initially wet the legs or arms so that the baby feels confident. Then you can submerge the baby entirely, the water should not cover the baby more than up to the breast line. It is necessary to carefully wash all the folds, paying attention to the neck, groin area, folds on the arms and legs.
How often to bathe a newborn
You need to bathe your child no more than 1 time a day. As such, a newborn does not need cleansing, bathing is more of a process of acclimatization and hardening for him, as well as an excellent means of relieving stress before bedtime. In the hot season, you can additionally wipe the folds with a swab or soft towel moistened with warm, preferably boiled water.
When bathing a child of the first month of life, there is no need to constantly use soap or bath products, it is enough to use them 1-2 times a week. It is better to wash your hair with shampoo no earlier than if your baby is 2 months old.