Sooner or later, many parents ask themselves: "Is my child speaking correctly?" After all, some children already at a year and a half pronounce all sounds well, while others are difficult to understand even at 4 years old. There are certain age norms for the development of speech. But if by the age of five all sounds, as a rule, fall into place, then the sound "p" often becomes an obstacle for the baby and his parents. Of course, if at 5-6 years old a child does not pronounce "p" or says it incorrectly, then this is a serious reason to turn to a speech therapist. But first, parents can try to teach the letter "r" on their own.

Fun activities in a playful way can be carried out from the age of 3. It is desirable that by this time the child has already pronounced all other sounds. Don't make him say "rrr" right away - it won't do any good. It can even hurt if the child is already saying "r" incorrectly. To begin with, you need to prepare the articulation apparatus to create this sound. The correct formulation of the language can be developed using the sounds "t-d". When pronouncing "t-d" and "p" the tongue is in the same position. Children's poems are suitable as a simulator, in which there is an alternation of these letters. For example:
That, that, that is a hot stove, Yes, yes, yes - there is water on the street …
Next, you need to teach the child's tongue the correct vibration. The tongue should be on the tubercles (alveoli) on the back wall of the front teeth, and the parent should lightly fiddle with the frenum with a finger or spoon, thereby making the tip of the tongue vibrate. There is another fun exercise that makes children happy. Ask your child to say "brrr". Keep your lips relaxed.
Do not rush things, the main thing is that the skill is fixed and only after that proceed to the next exercise. Ask your kid to show you how the drrr or trrr tractor starts up. Then you can name a few words starting with a combination of these sounds: "fight, drama, tractor." Some children find it easier to get a soft "r" sound, in which case he will be better able to "shoot", although this is more the exception than the rule.
What if you were able to teach your child the letter "r", but at the same time he does not say it in words? Here, first of all, you need patience, correcting it every time, you will gradually teach to say the letter "r". It is best to pretend that you do not understand the wrong word, and the child, trying to explain to you, will pronounce "p".