Do you have a little fidget growing up who cannot live in peace for a minute? The kid, starting to build a tower of cubes, immediately switches to another game without finishing what he started. While the child is small, such activity does not cause much trouble for parents. But with age, child restlessness can become a real problem, especially at school. Therefore, you must teach your baby to be more attentive and consistent.

Step 1
Establish a clear daily routine and stick to it. Try not to disturb the daily routine unnecessarily - this will help organize the child. The child, roughly knowing the plan of action for the day, is calmer.
Step 2
Walk in the fresh air more often. Practice outdoor games, let the baby run up and down, jump up and throw out excess energy. Get out into the park or out of town, have picnics in nature.
Step 3
Limit TV viewing and computer time. Encourage games that require attention and perseverance. Various constructors, puzzles and puzzles will help develop concentration and patience. Purchase several kits for kids' creativity. Drawing and modeling from plasticine is also a great pastime that will calm the little fidget a little. Praise your kid for a beautiful drawing or a completed puzzle, this will stimulate him to further activities.
Step 4
A good way to cultivate perseverance is to work together. Many kids love to help their parents in household chores, they constantly "stick their curious noses" into the adult classes. Do not drive the child away, if possible, let him help you with household chores. The baby will painstakingly try to do adult work, while you will not only teach him patience, but pass on some of your useful experience.
Step 5
When the baby is a little older, assign him to do some homework. If a child asks to have a pet, then agree that he will take care of him himself.
Step 6
Do not expect quick results right away, for a couple of days you will not accustom a little activist to patience and perseverance. Do not get angry and do not compare the child with other children, even if the neighbor boy Misha can collect the puzzle for half an hour, and your fidget does not sit out for this activity for more than 15 minutes. Do not put pressure on the baby, just continue to study with him and the results will please you, just everything in due time.