Frisky and active children, no doubt, cause affection. But excessive activity, as a rule, leads to restlessness. At the same time, perseverance is an important quality for the full development of a child. Psychologists are sure that attentive and diligent children in their development are seriously ahead of eccentric peers. So, how can you get perseverance from a child?

Step 1
The first months. 3-4 months after birth, the child is already able to focus on an object for three minutes. Therefore, it is in the first months that it is worth starting to develop this quality. To do this, it is worth using carousel-mobiles, various rattles on the counter and development rugs, which the baby can watch for some time. In addition, your face can become a very interesting object for study: the child is able to look at the parents' face even for 20 minutes!
Step 2
First steps At the end of the first year of life, the child begins to become overly active. It's time to train him perseverance. To do this, you need not only to give him toys, but also to help him study them. If you show your kid a car, talk about it as long as possible, study it with the kid. Tell him what his little car is called, what it is for, how many wheels and doors it has, what color it is. It is also necessary to demonstrate to the child the functions of his toys. For example, a doll can eat, swim, dance, walk, change clothes. This not only develops perseverance, but also stimulates the imagination. The main thing is that there should be no more than three toys in the environment of the child at a time. Then he will be able to devote a sufficient amount of his time to each, without being distracted by the variety of bright objects around.
Step 3
Think aloud: The attention of a two-year-old child should be transferred from a passive mode to an active one, i.e. arbitrary. To do this, it is worthwhile to read books to the child more often and ask them to retell them. It is also necessary to discuss with him pictures, cartoons, plots of his games. It's time at the age of two to play those games that involve the classification of objects (for example, sort toys by color).
Step 4
Educational games. Already from one and a half years, a child can be taught to collect puzzles. This game, like no other, contributes to the concentration of attention and the development of perseverance in the baby. At first you will have to do this with your child, but then he will get used to it and learn on his own. Once your child is able to hold a pencil in his hand, teach him to color the pictures in the coloring book. A child can give colors to his favorite characters for a long time.