School Anxiety: Causes And Ways To Overcome

School Anxiety: Causes And Ways To Overcome
School Anxiety: Causes And Ways To Overcome

In schools, to solve the psychological problems of students, there is a special position of a full-time psychologist, who is called upon not only to resolve conflicts, but also to eliminate the causes of anxiety in a teenager.

School anxiety: causes and ways to overcome
School anxiety: causes and ways to overcome

School anxiety is quite common. This is a condition in which the student cannot concentrate on completing certain tasks, working in the lesson or in additional activities. Pupils increase demands on themselves, lower self-esteem, see only the worst in all events.

Causes of school anxiety

  1. Bad relations between the student and his classmates.
  2. The relationship of the student with the teacher.
  3. Low self-esteem.
  4. Self-criticism of the student.
  5. Inability to concentrate on test work, and fear of answering at the blackboard.

The state of anxiety that accompanies a teenager during his learning process can provoke other psychological problems. Psychologists have found that situations of constant stress and pressure from parents, school, classmates can cause various diseases. For a student, depression can be a big problem, which will cause other mental disorders.

Excessive demands on the child contribute to the development of anxiety. In this case, the student cannot fulfill all the necessary educational requirements. The child is lost, worried, cannot concentrate on tasks.

The reasons for the student's anxiety can be inconsistent teacher requirements, contradictions in the relationship between teachers and parents. If a teacher shows authoritarianism in his requirements for schoolchildren, then he ceases to take into account the individual characteristics of children. In this case, the anxiety of schoolchildren increases even more.

Symptoms of school anxiety

School anxiety does not appear suddenly. It is characterized by a gradual formation, and as a result, there is a decrease in the child's educational activity. The anxious state of schoolchildren can be determined by some signs:

  1. Children who have been at home for a long time due to illness do not want to go to school. Many topics that schoolchildren miss cause them difficulties. The inability to learn the material on their own leads to the fact that children are afraid to answer in the lesson or ask questions.
  2. The child's anxiety does not give him the opportunity to pay attention to new books or films. He watches the movie several times or re-reads the book, fearing to miss and not remember any little things.
  3. Children, who are in a constant state of anxiety and expectation of something worse, try to postpone the moment of writing the test. During this time, they tidy up their workplace, arrange textbooks in alphabetical order, remove pens and other school supplies.
  4. Schoolchildren start to get tired quickly, get distracted and cannot readjust to new methods of work.

Ways to Overcome School Anxiety

Childhood anxiety must be overcome. Otherwise, the child will be constantly in a state of stress, depression, which will immediately affect his health. First of all, it is necessary to identify all the individual characteristics of the child in order to correctly build the learning process. One student cannot be compared with other children. An individual development route should be drawn up for him. The teacher should create in the lesson a situation of success for each student, try to identify his abilities, positive character traits. This will help the child feel significant in class and in the lesson.

You should not express hurtful words against the child that degrade his dignity, reduce self-esteem. Children are very sensitive to the words and actions of the older generation, so you need to monitor your actions. They should not add excitement and anxiety to the child.

The lesson should be structured in such a way that the child feels free and uninhibited. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to express himself, to express his opinion. The teacher should support the child's beginnings, give him the opportunity to take initiative.

School anxiety is dangerous for children, therefore, a teacher, a school psychologist should be attentive to the words and actions of children, help them get rid of feelings of fear and anxiety.
