Formally, a child can ski downhill from the age of six. In fact, children are admitted to sports schools at the age of four to five. It doesn't matter if your child is going to become a professional athlete or alpine skiing will remain his hobby. At such an early age, this is difficult to judge. In any case, the task of the parents and the instructor is to provide the kid with a fun and safe ride.

It is necessary
- - Instructor;
- - equipment;
- - a trip to a ski resort;
Step 1
Consider, are you ready to send your child to the ski section? At the very least, you must ride yourself. Why is it important? If your child starts practicing and gets involved in skating, he will definitely want to share his new sensations with you. He, full of delight, will come home and tell how great Fedya skated with his dad yesterday. In this case, are you ready to support your child in his sports endeavors? If you are ready or you skate yourself, no problem. If not, you should think about the fact that ski training takes not only time, but also requires significant financial costs. Perhaps you should offer your child to start with simple skiing or snowboarding.
Step 2
Contact your instructor. If you are skiing yourself, then you can easily find an instructor for your child. If not, seek help from knowledgeable people. You can find them through the appropriate sports clubs or the Internet. Choosing an instructor with whom it will be easy for you and your child to communicate is a very important step. Some experienced people find this even more important than buying equipment. You can ask to work with your child, both an experienced athlete, and any person who has been skating for more than three seasons. At the first stage, not only the instructor's professionalism is important, but his ability to clearly explain and involve the child in the riding process. What is needed is not just a good instructor, but a good educator.
Step 3
Decide how much, how often your child should exercise and how intense the activity should be. You can develop a training system together with the instructor. Do not overload the child. Let the first lessons be more a game for him than a serious sports training
Step 4
Take your time to purchase all the equipment at once. You can rent skis and boots until the child decides for sure whether he will do it or not. If you send your child to a sports school, the equipment can be provided by the school itself. Choose your riding clothes responsibly. For alpine skiing, jackets and trousers made of membrane fabric are used. Membrane is a special type of fabric that helps to wick moisture away from the surface of the skin, thus retaining heat well.