Young mothers always share with each other the achievements of their children. Each new step in the development of the child is a pride for the mother. And now a situation arose: all peers are already crawling, sitting with might and main, and your child is not that not sitting, but is not even going to try. How to teach a baby to sit?

Step 1
All children are different, they develop at a different pace, which depends on the strength of the muscles and on the maturity of the brain. Until the child is fully ready to master the skill, he will not master this skill. Therefore, to begin with, relax and decide for yourself that you are not interested in the records of your neighbors in the playground and that you are ready to allow the baby to develop as it is convenient for him.
Step 2
To help a child develop, it is not necessary to use the services of a professional massage therapist; moreover, it is believed that such procedures can harm children without developmental disorders. But it will be useful for you to master the so-called mother's massage. It consists in gentle stroking of all parts of the baby's body, light massage and a minimum of gymnastics. These actions stimulate the receptors of the baby's body, and also help to establish your connection with him.
Step 3
To strengthen the muscles of the back, you can often lay the child on his stomach, and also allow him to slightly raise the body from a supine position, holding your hands. At the same time, it is not necessary to completely plant the child; the initiative of the movement should be given to him himself.
Step 4
Simple carrying on hands helps development well. At the same time, it is useful to carry the child both facing you and on the hip. At first, you will have to hold your back, but over time, the baby will begin to try to hold it on his own.
Step 5
Give your child more freedom of movement, try to always have a lot of interesting things around him. Do not restrict your child's movement around the house. Your baby will be interested in participating in your activities, and this will stimulate him to try to sit down.