How To Teach A Child To Sit

How To Teach A Child To Sit
How To Teach A Child To Sit

Modern children develop somewhat faster than their parents did in their time. So, for example, before the child began to learn to sit strictly from six months. Mothers and grandmothers will confirm this. Now no one will be surprised to see a 4-5-month-old toddler who already knows how to sit on his own.

When to start teaching a child to sit?

As you can see, the approximate guideline is 4-6 months. At one time, my husband and I chose the golden mean and began to teach a child to sit at 5 months. After about 3-4 weeks, Nastya was already able to sit on her own.

Look, first of all, at your child. Children who develop faster than their peers can begin to learn to sit a little earlier - at 4-5 months. And there is nothing wrong with the fact that at 5-6 months the baby does not know how to sit on his own. There is no need to sound the alarm and call the Ministry of Emergencies, because after a couple of weeks the crumb will surprise you. In any case, if you work with a child, then by 7 months he will definitely learn to sit on his own. So we gain patience, dear mothers, and begin to act.

How to teach a child to sit?

Our mothers and grandmothers will of course recommend their favorite pillows. For those who are not in the know, I will explain. The child needs to be seated and covered with pillows on all sides. Ideally, it will sit and not fall anywhere.

I don’t know, maybe I was doing something wrong, but my child could not sit in these pillows, my daughter was constantly falling in one direction or the other. Perhaps I did not fully understand this fancy pillow scheme. The story ended with the fact that I found another way out.

Today I will tell you how my husband and I taught the child to sit on his own. And if this method turns out to be effective for you, I will only be glad.

So we started by sitting on the couch. That is, every day they put their daughter on the sofa so that her back rests against the blockage. It turns out that the baby could only fall on one side. So every day, several times, gradually increasing the time of the "lessons", we sat side by side. At first, of course, they fell from side to side like a tumbler. After about a week, the number of falls noticeably decreased, it was seen that the child could already sit on his own, without falling, for 10-12 seconds.

After some more time, sitting on the couch became boring and uninteresting for us. Falling - we did not fall, so we could safely move to a new level and teach the child to sit without support. Experts advise doing this on a hard surface - for example, on the floor. We studied on the bed, because I was an overly caring mother and once again did not let the child on the floor, referring to the draft and so on. Which, by the way, I do not regret. During the first year of her life, Nastya was ill only once.

Let's get back to the topic. Learning to sit without support was also fun - the child was tumbling from side to side again. But not for long. Indeed, during the time while we were learning to sit on the couch, the baby's spine had already matured well and was ready for heavy loads.

Distribution of class time

If I started teaching the child to sit on their own right away (without a sofa, etc.), I'm sure there wouldn't be such quick results. And it would be much more difficult for my daughter. And so, our classes turned into a game for her. Falling is fun. Most importantly, she never tired of sitting. On the contrary, she was interested.

When you start teaching your child to sit, you must calculate the load. Remember that your baby's spine is still too weak. Start with a 3-5 minute session, each day increase the time by another 5 minutes. But, if you see that the child is tired and does not want to sit anymore, do not force him to sit down. Better sit for an extra 2 minutes tomorrow.

And finally …

If you really want to teach your child to sit on their own, practice every day. Exercising once a week will not have the effect you want. You can divide one lesson into a couple of approaches. For example, 2 times for 5 minutes. It will be much easier for the child.

You know, teaching a child to sit is not the most difficult thing. Much easier than teaching to walk, for example. I am sure that 99% of you, dear mothers, will cope with this task in a month.
