The need to supplement the baby with milk formula arises if the mother's milk is not enough for adequate nutrition. However, artificial feeding only up to a certain period is able to provide the baby's body with the necessary vitamins and microelements. Starting from 3-4 months of age, the first complementary foods are introduced into the child's diet: fruit juices and purees. From 6 months - porridge, curds. At 9 months - meat purees. During this period, the need for milk formula disappears, and you need to gradually wean the child from it.

Step 1
Check with your pediatrician if you should deny your baby formula if he asks for it. Whether its level of physical and mental development is appropriate for other foods.
Step 2
Choose the right time to wean from the mixture. A child may have teething, and all his whims will be associated with poor health. In addition, moving, giving birth to another baby, divorce of parents is not the best time to transfer to a different diet.
Step 3
Replace the mixture with milk, fermented milk products. Let the child make a choice from the available fermented milk products, so you will stimulate him to refuse the mixture. Keep in mind that the baby has his own tastes and desires, and this does not always coincide with his mother's taste preferences.
Step 4
Wean you off drinking food in a bottle. Take all the bottles away from the eyes of the child, say that you gave them to little children, or arrange a “bottle party” (tie it with a beautiful ribbon and solemnly hand it to another little child) and he will soon forget about them and stop drinking the mixture. However, do it gradually, the child must be internally ready for this. Take care of yourself, do not drink from the bottle yourself, pour liquid into glasses, cups, children often imitate adults.
Step 5
Replace the mixture with water, the child will stop waking up in the middle of the night for the sake of water. Gradually he will get used to sleep without waking up for night feeding.
Step 6
During the day, cook a variety of dishes so that the child gets tired of the mixture faster, and he himself abandoned it. Feed heavily in the evening to avoid the need for night food.
Step 7
Do not fall for the child's manipulations - whims, screams. Be calm, patient and confident that everything will work out. Try to calm your baby down with stroking, gentle voice.
Step 8
Remember, the child can refuse to use the formula himself when he is internally ready for it. Be attentive to his needs. The mixture, experts say, is better than whole milk. Fermented milk products are also best served with adapted milk. Moreover, adapted milk, as pediatricians say, makes sense to use as part of the daily milk diet for up to 3 years.