Sooner or later, all young mothers are faced with the task of transferring the baby to one dream. This is a natural stage in the development of a child. The baby can stay awake longer and longer, so the time for going to bed at night is shifted to a very late time. For example, at 12 o'clock at night. At the same time, it is the transition from two-time daytime sleep to one-time sleep that requires the mother to actively participate, and sometimes change her own daily routine.

Is it time to go to one dream?
The very first thing you should do is assess your child's daily routine. If the baby sleeps later in the evening for the second time, and goes to bed very late at night, most likely it is time to change his regime. Late is different in every family. However, it is optimal for a child to go to bed around 21-22 pm. You can also focus on the age of your child. Usually, children go to one dream at the age of about a year.
We saturate the first half of the day with impressions
If you intend to transfer your baby to a one-time nap, you need to increase the time he is awake in the morning. For these purposes, a walk in the fresh air is perfect. Try to get your child to walk on their own (or crawl) more, but not sit in the stroller. It is also better not to go somewhere in the car or walk far away with a stroller - so the baby will simply fall asleep. Take a walk on the playground closest to the house so that you can quickly return home from it.
Try to actively play with your baby so that he stays awake longer than usual and goes to bed later in the day than he used to do. How much longer depends on the particular baby.
Shift of regime moments for a time earlier than usual
During the transition period, it is better to move the baby's lunch for a while. If you feel that enough time has passed since breakfast, give your child a smaller portion for lunch. Try to have the child eat before bedtime: a full baby will sleep longer.
For a while, not only lunch, but also afternoon tea, dinner, evening bathing and going to bed for the night will move early. At first, the baby may start to be capricious in the evening. It will take him several days to understand and get used to the fact that he will not sleep a second time. And at night during this transition period, it is better to put the child to bed very early - at 20 o'clock. Do not excite the baby too much in the evening to put him to bed at 21 or 22 o'clock. Over time, his regime will establish itself.
Parents are sleeping too
Often, during the transition to a one-time nap, the baby can wake up an hour or two after falling asleep. If at this time the parents are actively engaged in household chores, the baby may think that the day is going on. He will wake up and will be ready to play, and then it will be very difficult to put the child to bed. Therefore, by the time the baby wakes up, mom and dad should already be asleep. Then he will see that night has come, everyone is asleep and will go to bed further. This does not mean that you should not even open your eyes. Of course, you can get up, help the baby fall asleep again in the way he and you are used to. But you have to show him that the day is over and it is time for everyone to sleep.
Usually, switching to a one-time nap is not particularly difficult. The first time, when the baby is just getting used to the new regime, the young mother even manages to rest: after all, the child goes to bed very early at night. This happens not only because he needs to get used to stay awake longer, but also because twice a day's sleep is usually shorter (40 minutes) than a single one (1.5-2 hours).