Your Baby: First Month Of Life

Your Baby: First Month Of Life
Your Baby: First Month Of Life

Mothers know better than anyone what their child needs, they feel their child when it is still in the womb. When a child is born, intuition increases. A mother's heart is a faithful helper in raising her child.

Your baby: first month
Your baby: first month

You've survived the first weeks of motherhood! Life has not yet improved (and it is still far from it!), But, fortunately, everything is on its way. It is normal to experience some tearfulness during this time, but if most of the day passes in tears, or fearful thoughts come to your mind, you should see a doctor to rule out the development of postpartum depression. The sooner you get it done, the better.

• Children love to be touched, no matter what your mother-in-law says. You cannot spoil a child by holding him in your arms "all the time." If you pick up a child - the only way to calm him down, take him in your arms. Better even if you put the baby in a sling or any other carrier, and you can redo a bunch of chores around the house. And at the same time, the child will feel next to his mother's heart, mother's warmth and breathing.

• But remember, you will not harm your baby in any way by letting him whimper a little in a sun lounger or crib while you finally shower. The kid will not suffer all his life, feeling abandoned if your hair is already standing on end and requires immediate washing. Truth. Go and take a shower.

• If you are breastfeeding, things are not as difficult as in the first days in the hospital. If you are desperate and count the minutes until the end of feeding, have tried everything and re-read "the whole Internet", but it still hurts and badly, remember: your baby will not be emotionally, mentally, or physically damaged if you switch him to formula … Your wallet, of course, will not thank you, so foresee such costs in advance.

• Hello, lack of sleep! Children at this age normally sleep from 16 to 24 hours (yes, yes!), But they need to eat every 2-3 hours. So in the near future, your night's sleep will not last longer than these periods. Get used to eating with one hand and say bye-bye to those days when you enjoyed hot tea, hot soup and, in general, everything hot.
