You have a baby. Now you have a lot of time to spend together. The first 30 days are a period of special responsibility, the most exciting, long-awaited and touching.

Finally, your meeting with the child took place. A new life, a new person, a new character has appeared in your home. So what needs to be taken into account so that the meeting of a new family member happens joyfully, carefree and happily.
For the first 4 weeks, there is an acquaintance with the outside world. The newborn gets used to the environment in which he is going to live, adapts to new sounds and sensations. During this period of life, it is very important to regulate the sleep and feeding of the baby. A newborn spends up to 20 hours a day in a dream. During the first month, the baby will grow by about 3 cm and gain about 300 g in weight. Obviously, for feeding the baby, the best option is breast milk. When the mother does not have enough milk, you should consult your doctor for recommendations on stimulating lactation.
On the part of the development of the nervous system, innate reflexes will help. Some of them will disappear in the process of growing up, others are converted into acquired reflexes. In the first month, the baby has 7 reflexes:
- grasping (can be observed when stroking the palm, the child tries, as it were, to hold everything that is in his hand);
- search (the baby turns, if you touch his cheek, as if looking for a breast);
- sucking (manifests itself if you hold a nipple near the lips);
- Mora's reflex (the child spreads his arms and legs in response to a loud sound);
- Babkin's reflex (when pressing the child's palm, he turns his head and opens his mouth slightly);
- swimming reflex (manifested when the child is laid out on his stomach, the baby makes movements similar to swimming);
- walking reflex (while supporting it under the arms, the baby makes movements similar to walking).
In the first month of life, newborns actively develop sense organs. The child can observe the subject. For example, if a child lies on his back and shows him a bright toy or rattle, while moving it very slowly, the baby fixes his gaze on it. By the 4th week of life, the movements of the eyeballs become more and more coordinated.
During the second week of life, the baby already reacts to various sounds. Your little one will react to an unexpected sound by flinching or blinking.
And by the end of 4 weeks of life, the child is able to react to his parents, he can smile! Most likely, your baby's first smile will be his response to your affectionate treatment or stroking.
The more you utter affectionate, kind words addressed to the child, the sooner he will reciprocate you. It is very important in the family to have and maintain a positive background of your emotions at all times. In emotionally safe families, it is much easier for a child to grow up as a balanced, self-confident person!