The psyche is a property of highly organized beings - people and animals, the ability to respond to the world around them and regulate their behavior and activities in this regard. It is also the subjective inner world of a person. Each person has mental properties typical for her.

The origin of the properties of the psyche
Mental properties are the result of the neurophysiological activity of the brain. They are closely related to mental processes, which largely depend on the personality of the individual.
The properties of the psyche are stable and determine a certain type of behavior and activity characteristic of a particular person. They are formed and consolidated gradually in the course of life, as a result of practical activity and reflection of the surrounding world. Congenital features of the body are just inclinations that to some extent predetermine the development of certain mental properties in a person - character traits, inclinations and interests, strengths and weaknesses. They are more or less stable, but they can change under the influence of life circumstances or due to the volitional desire of a person to change.
Basic mental properties
Usually, such basic mental properties as temperament, character, abilities and motivation are distinguished. Temperament includes a set of individual stable psychophysical properties of an individual, dynamic characteristics of his behavior, mental states and mental activity. Temperament is related to body constitution. People are usually divided into sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. It is generally accepted that temperament cannot be changed, however, in practice, it is sometimes possible to observe its change in people with age, with a change in hormonal levels or lifestyle.
Character is understood as the main personality traits that determine her behavior in society and actions. These traits are fairly stable, but they can change. These include self-esteem, the degree of criticality and exactingness towards oneself and others, selfishness and altruism, collectivism and individualism, sensitivity and indifference, politeness and rudeness, truthfulness and deceit, responsibility and irresponsibility, perseverance and impatience, initiative and passivity, accuracy and slovenliness, independence, decisiveness, perseverance, discipline, etc.
Abilities are understood as the stable psychological properties of an individual that distinguish him from others. It depends on them how easily a person can achieve success in a particular field of activity. Abilities can be natural, biologically determined (for example, a high degree of body flexibility), or developed over the course of life. Abilities are creative, communicative, theoretical (to abstract-logical thinking), educational (learning, mastering knowledge and skills), practical (inclination to practical actions), etc.
Finally, motivation is what motivates a person to take action. Motives come from needs. People have basic needs - air, food and water, safety, shelter, physical movement. When the basic needs are satisfied, the needs of a higher level come into force - for love, recognition and approval, self-realization, etc.