Mind control is a cherished dream of many people, from businessmen to politicians. To some extent, they succeed in this, therefore, one should know not only about the methods of influencing the human consciousness, but also about the methods of protection.

There are two main options for influencing human consciousness. The first method is associated with the impact on the subconscious - the necessary information is brought to the person, bypassing his consciousness. This method is considered to be the most effective, as it avoids a critical assessment of the incoming information. The overwhelming majority of existing methods of mind control are based precisely on the appeal to the subconscious.
The second option is associated with technical methods of exposure. It has been actively developed and is being developed by the special services of many countries, in this work they have achieved certain successes.
Impact on the subconscious
There are many techniques for working with the subconscious. Among the most famous are hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming. Hypnosis is usually used for medicinal purposes, but some of its variants - for example, Ericksonian hypnosis, can also be used to provide a targeted effect on a person against his will.
In Ericksonian hypnosis, unlike traditional hypnosis, there are no rigid directives. The person is introduced into a hypnotic trance very gently and imperceptibly. Which, of course, requires high skill from the hypnotist.
NLP methods, actively used in commerce and advertising, are no less effective. As in Ericksonian hypnosis, in NLP the influence is carried out imperceptibly for a person. Each person has their own view of the world, called a map in NLP terms. The challenge is to understand this map and adjust to it. If the adjustment succeeds, rapport arises - a state of trust on the part of the person being influenced. After establishing the rapport of a person, you can smoothly lead towards accepting the necessary ideas, performing the necessary actions.
NLP techniques are widely used in advertising. Typically, a few statements are made first, with which the prospect agrees, and then a target setting is proposed. A person relaxed by the previous statements can no longer critically perceive the target message and fully accepts it.
Influence on the subconscious is used even in supermarkets - the location of goods, their illumination, and sometimes the musical accompaniment are selected taking into account the recommendations of experts. The result is customer attraction and significant sales growth.
The main way to protect yourself from such methods of influence is to know them. If you know the methods of influencing the mind, you can always notice when they begin to be used against you.
Technical methods of influencing consciousness
Rumors about the existence of emitters capable of affecting the human psyche have been circulating for several decades. And the facts show that such devices really exist. But the quality of their impact turned out to be far from what the experts expected.
In particular, it turned out that the impact on the human brain with waves of a certain length is capable of calling out one or another emotional background - for example, fear or rage. This discovery allowed the creation of generators capable of controlling the mood of the crowd. Some researchers argue that such generators were actively used by American intelligence services in the countries of the former USSR. There are similar developments in Russia, there is no exact data on the use of domestic psychotronic generators.
The main disadvantage of such generators is that they allow you to evoke only the simplest emotions. It is not possible to convey with their help some exact order, to make a purposeful suggestion. Nevertheless, work in this direction continues.
The best way to protect yourself from the influence of psychotronic generators is not to end up where they can be used. In particular, mass gatherings, participation in rallies, protest demonstrations, etc. should be avoided.