A sudden change in the usual behavior of a loved one can mean illness, trouble, emotional distress. It is very important to notice such changes in time in order to be able to react and take the necessary measures.

Step 1
There are many definitions of the term "behavior", but in this case we are talking about a complex of habits, reactions, emotions and actions. Changes in usual behavior can be caused by negative reasons, such as mental disorder, drug use, involvement in a sect, emotional breakdown or mental trauma, but sometimes an unusual way of acting, on the contrary, becomes the result of work on oneself, self-improvement, attending training courses or seminars. In any case, before you can figure out the cause of the behavior change, you need to find it out.
Step 2
For this, first of all, you need attention and observation. If you do not pay attention to the characteristics and habits of your loved ones, you will not be able to feel when something is changing. Of course, you should not follow your child or spouse with a notebook and pencil, writing down every step, but you need to notice certain features.
Step 3
Most often, changes in behavior are manifested in increased irritability, unmotivated aggression, isolation and silence. Therefore, it is better to form for yourself in advance a clear understanding of the basic behavioral characteristics of a person: how he behaves when he is nervous, hungry, feels discomfort, how he relaxes, what topics he prefers to discuss and what he does not even want to hear about. This can be very important, because otherwise you may mistake an atypical reaction to something that is seemingly insignificant to you, but very important to your partner as a change in behavior.
Step 4
A good marker of deviations in behavior can be a violation of the usual daily routine, a change in the time of eating and sleeping, the choice of atypical literature, music, films. Food and clothing tastes may change. Keep in mind that adolescents are characterized by radical changes in behavior in search of their own identity, so it is worth sounding the alarm only in extreme cases. However, if something about the teen's behavior bothers you, it's best to find out all at once. In such moments, you should trust your intuition, even if no obvious changes occur.