Children have the right to decent preschool education. And every parent strives to ensure that the child is comfortable in kindergarten, because he will spend most of his time there. Therefore, it is important to know the reviews of other parents.

Step 1
If you have been asked to write a review about kindergarten, start by how long your toddler has been attending the kindergarten. Write, if he came to the nursery, about the adaptation period. For example: My son started attending this kindergarten at the age of two. The teachers and the nanny were able to create such a favorable emotional atmosphere that the adaptation period passed quickly and imperceptibly.
Step 2
Write about the mode of work in the kindergarten: from what time you can bring the children and when you need to pick them up. If it works around the clock, also mark it in the review. Let us know if you are satisfied with this operating mode of the institution.
Step 3
Describe the condition of the premises, furniture, toys, and whether sanitary and hygienic standards are observed. Reflect in the review whether the children have special rooms for bedrooms or whether clamshell beds are displayed in the playroom, how comfortable and functional these rooms are.
Step 4
It is worth noting how healthy and varied food is in kindergarten, whether there are vegetables and fruits in the menu. If a child loses weight, comes hungry or refuses to eat in kindergarten, it is worth establishing control of the parent committee over the work of the kitchen.
Step 5
Indicate in the review what educational program the teachers work according to, whether there is an individual approach to each child, what are the successes of the children.
Step 6
Write whether the work of circles and sections is organized in the preschool institution, it is carried out on a paid or free basis.
Step 7
If the kindergarten regularly organizes holidays, game programs, shows theatrical performances, mark this.
Step 8
Assess the professionalism of the teaching staff, as well as the personal qualities of the educators, for example:
The educators managed to establish good contact with the parents, they regularly hold consultations. They are considerate and welcoming.