There are many reasons why conflicts with kindergarten workers can occur - these are the negligent or rude attitude of teachers towards children, and poor-quality food, and general living conditions in the institution. If the parties cannot come to a general agreement, for example, when the kindergarten staff deny obvious violations, then a complaint should be written to a superior person (kindergarten director) or to the City Board of Education and the Ministry of Education.

It is necessary
- - paper,
- - a pen.
- - documents proving a violation (if any).
Step 1
Specify the name of the person to whom your complaint will be addressed, as well as the names of the persons who, in your opinion, are guilty of violations. When addressing any official, it is very important to correctly indicate his initials and surname, as well as the name and address of the institution where you are applying.
Step 2
Be sure to headline your appeal with a complaint - this will immediately attract attention, which means it will be considered sooner. The complaint is written in free form.
Step 3
Be clear about the subject of your complaint or the issue you are applying for. The more accurately you do this, the faster you will receive an answer or a solution to your request. Give reasons for your appeal, note the facts indicating a violation, attach the necessary documents, conclusions of services (for example, sanitary services), photographs, receipts, if any and if necessary.
Step 4
Provide a solution that you think will satisfy you and resolve the problem you are referring to.
Step 5
Submit your complaint. You can do this by e-mail or regular mail, or you can personally deliver it to the appropriate authorities. You can send a complaint by registered mail with a return notification and a request for a response (about what measures were taken as a result) in writing. Be sure to make yourself copies of all submitted documents.