A characteristic for a preschooler may be required for admission to school, a psychological examination, or the solution of some legal issues related to the child. As a rule, such a description is made by an educator working with a child in a kindergarten.

Step 1
Indicate the name, surname and patronymic of the child. Date and place of birth, address where the child is registered. The language in which he is brought up at home and in kindergarten. If they are different languages, please indicate the reason (nationality of the parents).
Step 2
Indicate how long he has been in this kindergarten. And it is engaged specifically under your supervision (if you are an educator). Whether the child is willing to go to kindergarten, how often he misses, for what reason (if due to illness, indicate what kind of illness it is).
Step 3
How does the child's relationship with peers, educator develop. Is he sociable enough, if he is withdrawn, indicate the reason (temperament, family conflicts, etc.)
Step 4
Describe how independent the child is. Does he follow the rules of personal hygiene, can he dress on his own, tie his shoelaces, etc.
Step 5
How does he relate to classes, is he active enough. What types of activities the child finds especially difficult, what, on the contrary, they like. Is the child persevering during classes, how quickly he switches from one type of activity to another, how self-critical and independent he is while performing classes.
Step 6
Describe how the child feels about work. What is interesting to do, does he complete the work he has begun, is it interesting for him to complete what he has begun? List the types of work that your child enjoys doing the most. Does he himself take the initiative to work or he needs to be motivated in some way all the time.
Step 7
How he positions himself in the game, what roles he likes to try on for himself. How to get out of critical situations (crying, getting his way, complaining to the teacher). What causes the greatest concern in the educator, what points in the child's behavior should be paid attention to by parents and teachers.