When you send your child to kindergarten, you expect that there will be a good teacher next to him who will not only take care of the child in your absence, but also teach something, help build relationships with peers. And if you find that every time the child chokes with tears, not wanting to go to kindergarten, comes home with bruises, complains that he is beaten, and besides, you yourself have repeatedly heard how the teacher uses obscene language, it is time to ring the bells …

Step 1
First of all, talk to your caregiver yourself. Make it clear that you don't like the way he treats children. He is not obliged to love all children, but this does not give him the right to bully the child. Try to do it in the most correct way possible. Perhaps the teacher just lost his temper or such behavior is not typical for him.
Step 2
If the conversation did not have an effect, and you suspect that the "repression" against your child has only intensified, go to the head of the kindergarten. Explain your position. Be sure to state your claims in writing. And clarify your requirements: are you just asking to sort out the conflict, influence the teacher, punish him, transfer your child to another group.
Step 3
If you still did not find a common language with the head, she ignored your complaint, and everything remained unchanged, then send a complaint to the education department of your city, where tell in great detail about the unauthorized actions of the teacher and the complete insolvency of the head. If you enlist the support of other parents and write a collective complaint, then you can count on it to be addressed promptly.
Step 4
Be sure to attach a medical report on the traces of assault (if any and properly recorded). In this case, a copy of the complaint can be sent to the city prosecutor's office. Such an offensive on all fronts will certainly take effect.
Step 5
If your complaint is about financial extortion or inappropriate use of funds, be sure to talk to other moms and dads. If they refuse to confirm such facts, then it is unlikely that they will somehow react to your complaint. You can each time ask for a receipt for the change of money or somehow record it in your own notebook.