Your baby will soon grow up and will remain only in photographs as a cute lump. What a pity. Get creative with childhood memories. Leave a trail of your toddler's baby feet for history. This simple souvenir, even after dozens of years, will be able to recall the bright moments of childhood, remind you what kind of baby your child was. Are you ready to try?

It is necessary
Salted dough, gypsum, alabaster, Minutes of Childhood set, paints
Step 1
The easiest, but no less interesting, way is to cook salted dough and leave prints on it. The dough can then be baked, thereby obtaining a tiny cast. After a couple of years, celebrating another year, you can safely recall the blank and paint it with paints together, turning it into a fun game.
Step 2
You can also trace the prints with a pencil on paper and then cut them out. But this method is not suitable for very small children. But such prints are easy to paste into the album!
Step 3
You can print with paint, it is better to use jelly paint. It is non-toxic and easy to wash off. If the child is older, gouache is also suitable. And also lipstick - then all the lines are visible. The process is not at all complicated - you need to smear a leg or a pen with paint or lipstick and lean it against paper or cardboard, and you're done.
Step 4
A more expensive option is to find special "Minutes of Childhood" sets in the children's store, which include: a mold for ebb, bags with plastic mass, paints, brushes and a stirring stick. With this special kit, you can make casts of your baby's arms and legs in a fairly short time. The set also comes with a frame, so the cast made by you will be suitable as a gift to grandparents.
Step 5
Another material is a self-hardening mass, the principle is the same, but the impression must be dried carefully. Sometimes it bends during the drying process, and then it is no longer possible to insert the finished impression into the frame. Therefore, I propose to dry the material immediately in the frame.