When You Can Put Your Child On His Feet: Facts, Doctors' Opinions And Recommendations

When You Can Put Your Child On His Feet: Facts, Doctors' Opinions And Recommendations
When You Can Put Your Child On His Feet: Facts, Doctors' Opinions And Recommendations

Many parents mistakenly believe that the sooner a child gets back on his feet, the better his health will be. However, in rare cases, the thought arises about the consequences of accelerating the baby's formation on his feet.

When you can put your child on his feet: facts, doctors' opinions and recommendations
When you can put your child on his feet: facts, doctors' opinions and recommendations

There is no exact universal time frame in which to put children on their feet. There are only a number of signs indicating the crumbs' readiness to assume an upright position. Early stress on the spine can lead to various diseases that arise in adulthood.

Two opposing camps

Many orthopedists are of the opinion that a baby should be put on his feet no earlier than the age of 10 months. It is by this time that the hip joint and spine acquire sufficient strength, and they are not afraid of deformity.

The opposite opinion indicates that the baby can be put on its feet at the age of three months without damage to its health. By this time, the children retain their step-by-step reflexes.

And if the baby gets up on his own? The desire to get up before six months indicates muscle hypertonicity. Such "feats" of the baby are not a reason for joy, the unpreparedness of the body and excessive load on the feet will entail their deformation. In addition, the child gets tired and stretches out on tiptoe. All parents can do is distract the baby and not let them stand for long or support them under their arms.

Is the little one ready to stand?

A child's readiness is determined by a number of factors. Phlegm and thoughtfulness, which are manifested at an early age, are the basis of character. Analyze what kind of children his parents were. If pictures of plump, rather slow toddlers with a calm character pop up in your head, you should not expect early attempts to get up from the child. And even more so to speed up this process. It is highly likely that he will get on his feet later than his peers, and his movements will be slow.

Growth charts offered by pediatricians are an average option. Full and large children have to make more efforts to get up, tiny and small ones cope with this task much faster.

In order for the baby to get up, he needs to learn how to control his limbs and keep balance. Both processes are complex from the point of view of the nervous system and occur gradually. If the baby has suffered from neurological diseases, the first steps may be delayed. On this occasion, one should not be alarmed, when the nervous system matures, he will definitely start to get up and take the first steps.

If a toddler is not motivated, he will not get up. It is important that before his eyes there are examples of children who run around fervently and always a bright lying far away toy that will have to be reached.
