Sex During Pregnancy: For Or Against? Opinions Of Doctors

Sex During Pregnancy: For Or Against? Opinions Of Doctors
Sex During Pregnancy: For Or Against? Opinions Of Doctors

The days when sex during pregnancy was banned are long gone. Now doctors believe that sex life is not only harmless for the expectant mother, but even benefits to some extent. But, of course, this issue should be resolved with the doctor on an individual basis.

Sex during pregnancy: for or against? Opinions of doctors
Sex during pregnancy: for or against? Opinions of doctors

Sex during pregnancy: the positives

If a pregnant woman has no medical contraindications, then having sex in an "interesting position" may be of some benefit to the expectant mother and baby. First of all, sex is a great alternative to fitness. A lot of energy is expended during intercourse. It also includes small stretching elements.

During sex, pleasure hormones are produced - endorphins. They are passed on to the fetus to improve cardiovascular function and mood.

When a woman is pregnant, her enlarged uterus and displaced pelvic organs impair blood circulation, which, accordingly, decreases the blood supply to the tissues. As a result, venous congestion may occur. In the presence of adverse factors, such as smoking or sedentary work, the expectant mother may develop varicose veins. Lovemaking increases the flow of blood to the genitals, and the subsequent outflow of it eliminates the problem.

Some women are intimidated by the tension in the uterus that occurs after orgasm. But, if this does not cause pain and goes away within half an hour, then there is no cause for concern. It also serves as a good workout before childbirth, because that's when the uterus will benefit from the ability to contract well.

Sex is great for relieving tension and stress. In addition, the substances contained in semen and involved in the start of labor, help soften and shorten the cervix. Do not be afraid of this information - their action is possible only when the mother and baby are ready for childbirth. In the early stages, you are not in danger.

Sex during pregnancy: unpleasant moments

In the second trimester of pregnancy, factors may appear due to which it will be necessary to completely or partially abandon intimate life. The reasons may be the wrong position of the placenta or the threat of termination of pregnancy.

By the end of the second trimester, the baby in the mother's tummy begins to actively move and move. Therefore, many begin to avoid having sex for fear of damaging the fetus or infecting it.

During the third trimester, a woman's abdomen becomes very large, various edemas appear, and blood pressure rises. All this affects sex life. During this period, care must be taken during intercourse. The expectant mother should not be exposed to stress, her stomach should not be pressed. You also need to avoid hitting the penis in the uterus. Postures should be gentle.

Also in the third trimester, the cervix is very sensitive to mechanical stress. The mucous membrane during penetration of the penis can be slightly damaged, and this leads to a small discharge. In this case, it is imperative to consult a gynecologist.

Ban on sex

There are times when the doctor does not recommend having sex during pregnancy. These words need to be taken seriously because, most likely, there are good reasons for this. If the pregnancy is complicated, lovemaking can cause bleeding and loss of the baby.

Sex should be abandoned if there is a threat of miscarriage, any bleeding or abnormal discharge, or if the pregnancy is multiple. Also serious reasons are isthmic-cervical insufficiency of the cervix and placenta previa.

But it does not mean at all that if the doctor forbade you to have sex, then your intimate life is over. Everything is individual for everyone. Someone is not allowed to experience an orgasm, and someone is contraindicated only for penetration. But nevertheless, it is worth remembering that tactile contact is very important for both the expectant mother and her baby.
